Ask About Your Rights Ask the arresting officer for information about your rights in a language you understand. Brazil now has an extradition treaty with the UK. . You certainly don’t want your case to be used as an example and a deterrent, finding yourself stuck with a long jail term in a country far from home. For instance, did you know that public displays of affection are illegal in the UAE? Try harder. Research any differences between the laws in your destination and the laws at home before you travel. .then quickly give that money to a friend in Germany and have him wire it to my UK account while I quickly get on a plane home (just a few hours after the crime). If you are arrested after committing a crime in a foreign country, here is what you should do:Knowing that laws differ from country to country is the first part of the battle in avoiding trouble with the law. The Act also defines extradition offences as attempting or assisting someone to commit a crime which carries at least one year imprisonment or death. From the ignorant tourist right up to the international drug mastermind, committing a crime in another country doesn’t mean you can escape any kind of penalty just because it happened overseas. For instance, if I have a pending jaywalking or smoking in public case in singapore, will I still be able to travel to china or vietnam? I'm not sure how this whole Polanski thing goes but could I theoretically go to a country like Germany. The criminal can't usually be charged in the new country, because they haven't broken that country's laws. An extradition offence is defined as an offence that is punishable under the laws of the country with at least one year imprisonment or death. Or China and Vietnam will prohibit me to enter their country because of my case from singapore?Head Office: 477 Kent St Sydney NSW 2000. And if you do get arrested, try to stay calm and get yourself a lawyer. Yes, the process is usually extradition. Welcome to the Digital Spy forums.

If you are arrested after committing a crime in a foreign country, here is what you should do: 1. It doesn't even matter if you are a citizen of that … I think times have changed because, especially in America, your passport is scanned so any offences and you'll probably be stopped before getting on the plane.

Section 6 Extradition Act 1992:

Much like the myth that you can do whatever you want in international waters because no country holds sway, it turns out, among other agreements and rules, International laws are a thing. . You'd be better off robbing an Amsterdam bank (or diamond merchant) and scooting back across the channel in a powerboat. .commit a crime such as theft (rob a bank for example). . If you commit an offence overseas, three things could happen: You could be prosecuted under the law of the foreign country; .commit a crime such as theft (rob a bank for example).

However, people who commit serious crimes and don't get found out immediately can run off to a country where there's no extradition and could get away … Although getting arrested abroad can easily be avoided by being sensible, and more importantly, researching any differences between the country you’re visiting and where you’re from, committing crime in a foreign country isn’t all that uncommon. So the country where the crime was committed (eg India) would apply to the new country (eg Singapore) for extradition. It could be that you are out of jail and back home before you know it.Copy and paste the following HTML into your website code:If you have a pending case in one country, Will it be a problem if you decided to travel to other countries. Even if you’re the most law-abiding citizen at home, a little drunken revelry or just a misunderstanding of the law in the country you’re in could see you landed in jail. Posted on Feb 20, 2009 Once an indictment is handed down the statute of limitation stops running and the only time issue which could arise to preclude prosecution would be a basic due process requirement that the government make a reasonable effort to bring you back if your whereabouts are either known to them or would be readily determinable. It was only the birth of Biggs' son to his Brazilian wife that saved him after the law was changed.I'm not sure how this whole Polanski thing goes but could I theoretically go to a country like Germany. Or that baring your bottom can get you arrested in some parts of Australia?Finding yourself in trouble with the law in a foreign country is worrying, particularly if you don’t speak the language. And then stick to them. Or bad-mouthing the king is punished with long prison terms in Thailand? Finding yourself in trouble with the law in a foreign country is worrying, particularly if you don’t speak the language.