Ironically most of the tissue damage in TB is caused by body’s own immune system bombarding the infected area with cocktail of chemicals.Whilst many cases of TB are now treatable with antibiotics new resistant forms are emerging raising the spectre of consumption once again sweeping the world.Anthrax is a bacterial infection which in most forms is lethal. Ebola would probably be 2nd since it’s mortality rates range from 50-90%.Also a new virus (well i say new but been around a while) Hepatitis C possibly D,E,F… Goes unnoticed until it has completely scarred and damaged the liver… Not a quick death but dangerous if left unmanaged with very little treatment to clear it, if It can clear it.To me d most deadliest disease is istheamic heart disease. indigenous wildlife. The order reflects a mix of how deadly they are and how horrific the symptoms are.To most people flu is a pretty unpleasant illness contracted 2-3 times in a lifetime. It is not a man made virus created to kill ppl it was and still is a mutating virus that has made its way from primates to happened once in an African village and since then has never been a threat to anything other than the primate population of that area or a couple of television shows of that time that were made for shock value. and typhoid can lead to so many complications like colon cancer,chrons disease, hepatitis A+B, meningitis,internal hemorhag, and even Aids by making your body immune system very weak. thats why Typhoid is so deadly and yes it can mix up and start destroying your F4 cells, which leads to Aids. but since only 20million get typhoids. The number of deaths is high though because smallpox is incredibly contagious.The good news about smallpox is it has been officially eradicated. But good sanitation practices can curb an outbreak. However, in most countries, AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria are the three maladies responsible for an increase in mortality rates.This website uses cookies to improve your experience. one thing you have to understand is, Typhoid is basically Food poisoning, typhoid is not airborne or caught thru sexual contact.
That said, the disease can stay dormant in a person who has overcome it and then be passed on to another person. What doesn’t cure you, will kill you?A discovery in the last 30 years, this strain of viruses has a fatality rate between 50-89 percent. But they all have one thing in common; they are resistant to a wide range of the most commonly used antibiotics that are available to mankind. the death rate for cholera is only 134,000 a year. my advice is just to keep drinking water to get it out and avoid/give up soda/coffee/tea.My friends’ brother has tubercolosis. The most well known epidemic was the Black Death in Medieval times when it was rumored to have killed about 25 million in Europe alone and another 50 million across the world.

But the symptoms show up in stages over a period of three weeks and, in most cases, are not fatal. i think that this is a brilliant idea, because we all know alot of racist sick people are just bringing the AIDS virus to Africa to kill and murder people. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. It was all a media hype and scare.yeah SARS was a joke, alot of it was just media scare, stuff thats truly deadly rarely gets covered by the media!The black death isn’t around anymore, it was around in like the 1500’s or around then! If intervention only occurs after the symptoms start showing there is an 8% chance of survival. The parasite Plasmodium (the one that causes Malaria) is a completely different organism than the virus Ebola. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... It was givin a name and classification in 81. Luckily, with oral rehydration therapy, a person can survive from cholera; however, in its most severe form, cholera can kill within three hours.

Not only that but it evolves rapidly within the body to the extent that evolutionary trees can be made from virus samples taken in different parts of the body.TB is highly contagious and easily spread through airborne droplets e.g.

Early symptoms are common and go undetected. However, plague can be spread from person to person where as malaria cannot. Infectious disease, in medicine, a process caused by an agent, often a type of microorganism, that impairs a person’s health. Fortunately this disease has been the only one on this list to be completely eradicated from nature since it is only contagious through humans. not as many people catch or suffer from Tuberculosis like they do Typhoid. Either in it’s natural form or as the recombinant chimera virus ebola-pox which was successfully engineered by Biopreparat scientists.can someone provide more details about Ebola diesaesLiked it? I have been an Infectious Disease Specialist for over a decade now Ebola is not airborne according to the World Health OrganizationIf you’re going to include Plague, which is spread by fleas and kills few people today, then why not include malaria?
This is also known as a chronic disease. This list has been compiled alphabetically to further the cause of convenient readability. I have put the author's original title back: Top 10 Infectious Diseases. The particular type of flu strain (H1N1) was unusual in that most fatalities where amongst the young and healthy.