Several authorities questioned including the krogan in the Androm… As for Morda, Drack recommends she listen to his granddaughter as she's more familiar with the two-faced councilors. In Clan Urdnot, this rite consists of battling various wild fauna on Tuchanka, ending with an encounter with a Few outsiders have seen a rite of passage take place, even though there are no rules in krogan tradition that state that a non-krogan can't help with the undertaking of the rite by acting as the participant's After their defeat in the Rebellions, the very concept of krogan leadership was discredited. The planet Krogan are also shown to believe in some form of afterlife.

The krogan serving with Saren's forces appear to be returning to the old style of mass attritional combat. In the meantime, he fights alongside Commander Shepard to satisfy his natural desire for violence.

They are callous and brutal, but methodical and disciplined.

The krogan were reduced to primitive warring clans struggling to survive a nuclear winter of their own creation, a state that continued until they were discovered by the The krogan were liberated from their primitive state by the salarians, who "culturally uplifted" the race by giving them advanced technology and relocating them to a planet not cursed with lethal levels of radiation, toxins or deadly predators. These markings darken to brown or tan over time, showing their age. Additionally, the planet Krogan tradition is steeped in ritual.

The final straw was when the krogan began settling the No longer able to replenish their numbers, the krogan were forced to accept terms of surrender. When they grow older the plates grow together to form one whole. Krogan have powerful territorial instincts which serve them well in combat, but can create problems; when traveling on starships, for example, krogan find sharing quarters nearly impossible.

Two of the krogan present, Kaje and Wratch, concur with the clan leader. Their thick hides are virtually impervious to cuts, scrapes or contusions, and they are highly resistant to environmental Younger krogan have yellow or green markings on their hides. Krogan can live for well over a thousand years, as evidenced by Warlord Despite their natural propensity for toughness, krogan do have physical weaknesses. A shaman can be of either gender: they must undergo lengthy and torturous rites to assume the position, and is required to give up their name. Krogan females also appear much more level-headed than males; 'the brains to their brawn,' so to speak. About 600 years later, the disastrous arrival of the The weak and selfless do not live long. When a krogan is born, he suffers the Positions of power also bear the responsibility of more rites, like being clan leader or shaman.

A clan name is bestowed after krogan complete the rite of passage of the clan they wish to join. Blocky ruins litter Tuchanka's surface, a portion of them still livable by krogan standards.

Even hospitals are built strong enough to withstand a bunch of krogan undergoing blood rage. Most krogan trust and serve no one but themselves. The krogan leader claims they are immune to the genophage and is adamant against supporting the turians unless the females are released. Ancient krogan deities include Vaul, a god who stood watch for the enemies of his pantheon. In the Andromeda galaxy, gender segregation has been relaxed owing for the need of a unified krogan front to build their civilization from the ground up. They typically serve as Given the prodigious krogan birth rate, it would appear that the enormously violent nature of krogan culture is actually responsible for their dwindling numbers. Grunt is a genetically engineered krogan super soldier. Several krogan mention a place called "the Void" which krogan go to when they die. Because of this level of commitment, the shaman is one of the most respected members of a clan. When the loyal, but stubborn, veteran was given the chance to join his clan on a voyage to Andromeda, he had no choice but to sign up. He shares some of his history, recalling how he fought through the Drack confesses that after the accident, his body initially continuously rejected the implants designed to keep him functional and that his prosthetics wouldn't sync properly which caused him a huge amount of pain. They also work in close cooperation with supporting geth units, who fill … Once considered heroes after the Rachni Wars, krogan expansion made them a threat to the galaxy until the turians and salariansused the controversial genophage to quell their numbers. Young krogan undergo a rite of passage that is overseen by a shaman respective to the clan the krogan wishes to join.

If Wreav is the leader, he attempts to incite the resurgent krogan for his own purposes, either confronted by Eve if she's alive or succeeding if not. Drack intimidates both to hold their tempers: he punches Wratch in the chest when the latter suggests wrecking then rebuilding the Nexus, deeming it a wasteful gesture, and he glares at Kaje until the other one looks away. Drack and Ryder track the missing transport and fight the outlaw thieves. The surviving krogan see no point to building for the future; there will be no future.

Doing so would present him with a whole new galaxy of stuff to shoot. He fell into a depression and lost all purpose in his life, almost succumbing to it until a shaman handed him the recently-born Kesh.

For their role in quelling the Krogan Rebellions, the turians were rewarded with a seat on the Citadel Council. The krogan once possessed a powerful fleet that included many dreadnoughts.

The krogan homeworld of Tuchanka is divided into multiple nation-states, including the Battle Masters are not "spit and polish," but they do believe in being well-armed and equipped, preferably with a gun for each limb. If the cure was sabotaged and organics and synthetics weren't merged, the krogan are left as moribund as before, possibly headed toward extinction. Not only are they angry that the entire galaxy seems out to get them, the krogan are also generally pessimistic about their race's chances of survival. Drack did not travel alone. Suicides are left for scavengers to feed upon.