Others were taken to the main barracks of the army in Paris and after summary trials, were executed there. For the Parisian nobility, it was 10 August 1792 rather than 14 July 1789 that marked the end of the ancien régime. They included "Louise Michel, the Reclus brothers, and Eugène Varlin (the latter executed in the repression afterwards). A former clerk of a notary, accountant in a bank and employee of the city's bridges and roads department, Jourde maintained the Commune's accounts with prudence. The new Central Committee of the National Guard, now dominated by radicals, decided to put the cannons in parks in the working-class neighborhoods of Clemenceau, a friend of several revolutionaries, tried to negotiate a compromise; some cannons would remain in Paris and the rest go to the army. The National Guard had built and manned a circle of barricades and makeshift forts around the base of the butte. On August 10, 1792, a huge crowd of armed… Since Paris had been officially under a state of siege during the Commune, the prisoners were tried by military tribunals. Early in May, some of the political clubs began to demand the immediate execution of Archbishop Darboy and the other priests in the prison. Long an opponent of the Prussian war, Thiers persuaded Parliament that peace was necessary. In the first round of the Of the two million people in Paris in 1869, according to the official census, there were about 500,000 industrial workers, or fifteen per cent of all the industrial workers in France, plus another 300,000–400,000 workers in other enterprises. Rumours circulated that he had accepted a million francs to give up the city. At the urging of the more radical newspapers, National Guard units searched the basements of churches, looking for evidence of alleged sadism and criminal practices. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox.

The official army report by General Félix Antoine Appert mentioned only Army casualties, which amounted, from April through May, to 877 killed, 6,454 wounded, and 183 missing. In December temperatures dropped to −15 °C (5 °F), and the By early January 1871, Bismarck and the Germans themselves were tired of the prolonged siege.

The municipal government of Paris had its origins in the mid 14th century when the city was effectively run by merchants. On the front line, soldiers learned from a sympathiser inside the walls that the National Guard had withdrawn from one section of the city wall at Point-du-Jour, and the fortifications were undefended. In the name of this glorious France, mother of all the popular revolutions, permanent home of the ideas of justice and solidarity which should be and will be the laws of the world, march at the enemy, and may your revolutionary energy show him that someone can sell Paris, but no one can give it up, or conquer it! The attack was first launched on the morning of 2 April by five battalions who crossed the Seine at the Despite this first failure, Commune leaders were still convinced that, as at Montmartre, French army soldiers would refuse to fire on national guardsmen. But he criticised the Communards for not having done enough to secure their position, highlighting two errors in particular. They were buried in mass graves in parks and squares. He was deeply offended by the rumours. He worked rapidly to assemble a new and reliable regular army. The new system had one important weakness: the National Guard now had two different commanders. Several of the other Commune leaders, including Brunel, were wounded, and Pyat had disappeared. She demanded the death penalty, but was instead deported to New Caledonia. La revue des Anciens Élèves de l'École Nationale d'Administration"Hugo, Victor, Choses vues, 1870–1885. The hostages were shot from all directions, then beaten with rifle butts and stabbed with bayonets.On the morning of 27 May, the regular army soldiers of Generals Grenier, On 28 May, the regular army captured the last remaining positions of the Commune, which offered little resistance. Five women were also put on trial for participation in the Commune, including the "Red Virgin" Louise Michel.