– If you have a main door in this area make sure you oil the hinges and try not to let it bang shut and oil squeaky hinges. With the wood of the #4 star flying in for the month, we can expect a lovely energy from here as it creates a lovely peach blossom if activated correctly with the right enhancers.This cure and enhancer when used is a manifestation enhancer and it is good to place an image that represents everything you want to achieve in life, an example to some would be a picture of a beautiful home that you desire, a male or female that you admire, a car like a Ferrari or Mini, the number of children you would like, I think you are getting the picture by now, just create a dream board with all that you desire pinned to it or draw the image or you can even download some images from www.google.com this really is a very powerful way of manifesting your dreams and it really does work, remember to place the image in this area this month.Whilst this star is very auspicious if you have any poison arrows like lamp posts, pylons or large corners of house’s pointing toward this area consider hanging a ba gua wealth protection mirror outside pointing toward the offending object as the #4 star can bring both wanted and unwanted romantic opportunities to the household if the cures are not put in place.Having a door in this area can bring in new opportunities and lots of travel and perfect for a company that deals with travel or printing. For best results find a … If you follow San He, that deals with a more yin type of Qi, there is no need to regularly adapt the Feng Shui of your house.

Put a Kylin ornament in the living room to boost up Nine Purple which will bring more happy events and benefit your career and family. So, you should be extra careful. If the host and hostess in your family are unemployed and hunting for a job, the direction shall be well arranged to bring good luck to your family. – Most of all, avoid disturbing this area at all costs. The improper layout of Feng Shui at this direction will cause disasters, illness of family members, disagreements of couples and misfortune to the family. In 2020, you should not break ground or place red and yellow items at the east direction. Moving things around the house and placing Feng Shui cures and enhancements is best done between December 22nd 2019 and February 4th 2020. It will fly to due northeast in 2019 and benefit career, wealth and affection. – If the middle son is weak and/or unhealthy be careful if extending or refurbishing this area of your home or office this month, it could cause them problems. East Feng Shui Bagua Area in 2020. Hang it above head height and twist now and again. Star 7 in the centre relates to financial losses and injury so be careful not to activate the centre of your house for instance with too much movement. – Install or service/upgrade smoke alarms and security systems.Remember this is only a passing influence for the month and if you follow all this advice here your month will be just fine.The 5 Yellow (Lian Zhen) star of tragedy is located in this area this month. The property of the nine stars at the corresponding directions in 2020, precautions and cures are mentioned in this article. The #8 star also governs relationships so a nice romance enhancer is a pair of Mandarin Ducks.Whilst wealth is forecast this month for this area, beware of overworking as this can cause you health problems if you have a bedroom or office here. following are some overlapping number combinations which can change the Feng There are indications of misunderstandings, pressure and business rivalries that could also lead to losses. Make sure doors and windows are fastened securely before leaving the house. One White (一白), also known as Tan Lang (贪狼), is a lucky star in Eight Luck. Also, you can place Five-Emperor Coins, or metal Pi Xiu or copper bells in the due east to drive away the evil spirits caused by Five Yellow, so as to turn evil luck into good, take a turn for the better and be out of danger. – A Pi Yao in a gold colour is very effective at not only reducing the bad earth but by also protecting your wealth for the month in this area. When certain calendar. Do not to use red dragons.

– Avoid candles or fire colours like red, pink, purple, orange or burgundy in this area. Don't put mirrors, clothes hangers and metal products in this direction. – If you use a fan or other machines that create noise or vibration try and avoid placing it in this part of a room this month.Remember this is only a passing influence for the month and if you follow all this advice here your month will be just fine.Li 9 Purple (You Bi) Li 9 Purple is a fire star and a yin trigram and considered a star of future wealth and has an auspicious influence in Period 8. If your front door, bedroom or office is at northwest, you’d better place a red or purple blanket at the entrance to strengthen its force. Confused! house has potential to enhance people's luck in wealth, career or love. Shui environmental luck to people. – Replace or at the very least cleanse your Ba Gua mirror in this area especially if you have a door here. Do not have bed, office table and other places requiring long-term stay in the due north. If your bedroom, office, lounge, main door or other important room is located in this area and you are unable to move out please read this section carefully.The good news is you now know this is an inauspicious star and you can do much to dissipate its negative influences for the month so do not panic at all.The 5 Yellow also called ‘Wu Huang or Lian Zhen’ in Chinese, is one of the bad monthly afflictions.