Mystery still surrounds Phoebe Handsjuk’s death. A SECRET tape made just after Phoebe Handsjuk’s death reveals the real monster in her life. While it still doesn’t provide any answers into what happened to her when she fell down the rubbish chute at her exclusive apartment building, it does offer insight into what she was battling.“The hardest thing is that she didn’t want to die, she really didn’t,” he said in the recording.“It was just that monster was the alcohol, you know. Episode Was it suicide? Picture: Supplied/www.phoebehandsjuk.comA SECRET tape made just after Phoebe Handsjuk’s death reveals the real monster in her life.

Episode She was coping with her depression, she really was. She was with the best doctors and the best therapist. Episode THE Coroner said it was an accidental death and police ruled it suicide. A SECRET tape made just after Phoebe Handsjuk’s death has been revealed and adds more mystery to her tragic death. phoebe handsjuk garbage chute video The garbage chute – how it works and the theories about how Ms Handsjuk came to be inside it – make up Episode two of the Fairfax investigative podcast, Phoebe’s Fall.

Or did something more sinister happen to Phoebe Handsjuk? According to her partner, it was alcohol.

Phoebe Handsjuk: Did she fall or was she pushed 12 floors down a garbage chute? Ms Handsjuk… Episode While it still doesn’t provide any answers into what happened to her when she fell down the rubbish chute at her exclusive apartment building, it does offer insight into what she was battling. Episode When a young woman falls 12 floors down a garbage chute to her death only questions remain. Or did something more sinister happen to Phoebe Handsjuk?If you want to watch the video of Lorne’s experiment, click To hear more on the mysterious death of Phoebe Handsjuk, join our All rights reserved Picture: Supplied/www.phoebehandsjuk.comDespite it later being a believed suicide, when the police arrived on scene, they roped off her body and created a crime scene, meaning ambulance officers could not go near her when they arrived.Bowles said this was distressing for paramedics because she may not have even been dead at the time.An ambulance officer told Bowles she couldn’t even check to see if Phoebe was warm or cold.Phoebe had a blood-alcohol level of 0.16, three times the legal driving limit, at the time of her death and Bowles believed she would have struggled to climb into the chute.Phoebe had Stilnox, a sleeping pill, in her system as well but Bowles does not believe that would have made her act erratically.Bowles believes the coroner should have left the findings open, meaning any new evidence that came to light could be investigated.“The way it’s left now, the investigation is obstinately closed,” Bowles told ABC.“If her family want to appeal, which they do, they have to engage a barrister and take action in the supreme court.”However this is a very expensive venture, and one normal people just can’t afford, Bowles said.There have been concerns over the coroner's decision to close the findings and this week the Victorian opposition wanted to push for an amendment in the Coroner’s Act to broaden grounds for family to appeal decisions.At the moment, a point of law, a question of fact, is the only way coronial inquests can be appealed and it doesn’t matter whether somebody disagrees with how a coroner interprets the case.