The highlighted marks are not to be taken lightly as they are indicative of the overall emotional problems that may effect the bearer.When the heart line has been split for a very short period prior to rejoining, it will partially form an island, and this island has the appearance of an eye. The Heart line in your palm can deal with all the sentiments and events that are about love, whether it be your capacity to love or be loved. In career, you could get success although you undergo a lot of hardships. The people who have a good heart line that rears towards the first finger are capable of being excited, passionate and are prone to fall in love very easily.Wondering what the future holds? However, you usually have some major upheavals during the life. Such subject has developed a strong emotional body.

If the line arches towards the life line this can suggest proper restructuring of their lives.To have a fine, weak heart line means that the person has problems related to the circulatory system. There's a little the alchemist about the subject within their capability to begin to see the problem, bringing together all of the relevant information to find the meaning of any situation.Chances are that individuals bearing this heart line have at some stage in their lives experienced some type of upheaval, trauma or setback. This line mainly expresses feelings and sentiments that are all about love. Heart line in palmistry indicates how well a person expresses one’s emotions,feelings,sentiments with respect to the love and relationships. The island can interconnect with others and form a chain like pattern, which is indicative of changeability, anxiety, fear, stress, insecurity, and indecision.Those who have a heart line that looks like a chain has the tendency of repressing internal feelings. (Fig 6) If there are two or three forks at the end, it’s much better. A long, deep, curved heart line indicates strong emotions and lasting relationships. Let’s see the various combinations of heart line that can be found on the person’s hand. (Fig 22) The heart line has the most number of auxiliary lines because the matters of the heart are highly complex and tough to deal with.An island on the heart line is not a good sign. Whether you have a deep affection or not, your emotion is complicated or simple, if your love and marriage life go smoothly and whether you could have a good personal relationship can all be reflected from the line. As human beings we undergo different emotional challenges in life, that change our outlooks - thus, our heart line.

In general, if your heart line is deep, clear, curved, unbroken, not mixed or disorderly and extends to the forefinger or between the forefinger and middle finger, you have a good love life and emotion. When the Heart Line appears lower on the hand, this shows that the heart rules the intellect.If the line is straight primarily, then it shows a person who is the opposite of that, showing a person who is ruled by their intellect and neglects their emotional needs.The heart line often branches out and the way that one understands the branching of the heart line will be helpful in the interpretation factors as is learning where the heart line ends.The heart line ends either somewhere below the Jupiter or Saturn fingers or at least somewhere between them. The heart line is considered to have a better start when it is straight with no tassels and breaks. Breaks in the heart line or extra lines are a clear indicator of a weaknesses in a relationship. Unlock the meaning of palmistry. Please note the ages on the heart line don’t indicate accurate ages. In some people, their heart lines have improved over a long period of time.The lines can start off chained and as it moves across the hand little or no tassels appear, this is a normal occurrence. If your heart line ends below where the Mount of Jupiter (below the forefinger) joins the Mount of Saturn (below the middle finger), it indicates the purely true love. If this is the case, it indicates that the child received the complete love of it's mother from birth. This line is located above the head line and life line. It is much better when such lines do not cross each other because that will mean a lot of problems in such relationships. If the heart line completes its travel across the palm towards this point, then it is very crucial for the owner of such a palm to plan on how to include goals and ambitions in their love life.This case will mean that as that person follows career goals and other interests in life but the main motivator should be love.To set the goals will be associated with contentment in life. There are a number of suggestions on the character of the person, based on the starting point of the line. This person, when in a deep and connected relationship would allow that love to flow out into the rest of the human experience making their finances, their emotions, their mundane life one full of luck and health.When the life line is chained or broken or even shallow this can be very frustrating for the bearer because it is symbolic of flightiness and inconsistency. Problems with a person's eyesight are indicated by the presence of an island under the ring finger. Remember, the mount of Jupiter deals with ambitions and goals in life. If you own such lines, your relationship usually has a lot of ups and downs. Linked to men and women that express love to others, but likes adventure. Some clues about love and relationships are revealed just by the position of the line on the palm. They make an impression of being edgy and are highly vulnerable to being cynical; they can’t shed tears in public but rather do it when alone.They are emotionally separated from other people and will never get close to anyone. The main secret behind such occurrence is that such people have learnt to control their lives and are in a better position to deal with their emotional problems. They have serious problems in that they cannot express their emotion verbally, and this makes it hard for them to open up to others.