Well, speak! That's what makes it so damn beautiful."

You don't deserve to stand by God alongside my fallen brothers!

Previous. You worthless scum! "Fool, you just have to forsake one little village to save an entire country. "[Ling]- SOLDIERS! "The Sage's Stone, the Grand Elixir, the Celestial Stone, the Red Tincture, the Fifth Element - just as the Philosopher's Stone is called by many names, so it can take on many forms." "I am like a pebble that's been cast into a large pond, and that pond is the Amestrian military. I want you to tell me who killed Maes Hughes. But by enduring that pain and overcoming it, he shall obtain a powerful, unmatched heart. and Ladies! Wrath?!?! "Ah, this should make things much easier, I can practically smell movement you make. "Maes Hughes is dead. This old man.....will now take his eternal rest!!" You're strong enough to make your own path.-Edward Elric” There really is nothing quite like watching fools dig their own graves. To be honest, I'm still a little surprised myself. Naruto: 10 Characters Who Can Give Kaguya Otsutsuki A Fight, Ranked

“Damn it, there are so many idiots whose asses I have to kick! Tell me who the real moron is here, because I don't think it's me! It would appear that things have gotten a little out of hand since my leave, haven't they?"

Right, Hawkeye? Its bad enough he is useless on rainy days." Fool, you just have to forsake one little village to save an entire country. In the third OVA, Winry herself does not appear, though Envy takes on her form and is kidnapped by Greed together with Al.Critical response to Winry's character has generally been positive. "THAT'S ENOUGH! That day, all female officers will be required to wear...TINY MINISKIRTS!" To our father!!!" That you wanted to see which way the world would choose? "Keep your eyes on ME, Envy! They are seen having a number of kids together and spending loads of time with the friends that they have made throughout the series. You're somewhere close by aren't you?

"Congratulations, Colonel Mustang, looks like you've finally hunted down your culprit." If I deny myself, that would mean I'm denying my brother, along with alchemy. "Really?

I've been humiliated! Stop this. Why should I be punished for that? Ah well, best of luck with that, pipsqueak!" The ultimate opportunity! "You spoke of 'foundations.' How could you let that bastard go after what he did?!! She pulls him in close, ready to welcome him home.This adorable comic (also by @inunekokawaE) has recently made waves in the fanart community on both Twitter and Instagram. Oh, you're not gonna believe this, but that was the same look on Hughes' face when I shot him! That is the homunculi's weak point. Your pal, Scar, here was going to kill you! PLEASE STOP!!!" "That's enough! My life was put back together with alchemy by my brother. And power!

"What was it you were always saying? Dammit! I killed a man who was like that once. It's the ultimate humiliation!"

At Florida Supercon, when asked about a crossover between The Hobbit and Fullmetal Alchemist, she had this to say: Caitlin Glass: Winry would be off someplace with Legolas. "Way to bring your trouble home with you, Fullmetal, really nice." How about we take advantage of their weakness?

Do you even have a name?


"I was perfectly content, but when you decided to throw away your honor as a homunculus you forced me to step in. War into victory. After getting frustrated, Ed pries her arms apart but decides to be gentle instead and lightly kisses her forehead. You might want money. But inconveniences don't make me miserable! You can either remain in here as lab rats or you can come with me to bring hell to those above us.

(While dying) I neither pray to God nor appeal to him. Lust, Greed, Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, Wrath, and Pride.

"Don't patronize me, Alex! I'm sure we can change because we are weak and because we die.