But as far as OP's mention that he could be forced into it because of his career path, keep in mind that he chose that career within the course of the movie. Now, this is a question that I've seen many people raise about Nightcrawler, an absolutely fantastic film from last year, but it seems pretty divisive. Taxi driver. He is concerned with maximizing profit at any cost to society.

He is worse than evil, he is simply uncaring about anything other than money, he is mechanistic in his thought process and rigid in his goals (profit over people).ehh, let's not be overly dramatic here lol. In front of the foster parents, Sociopath seemed like a model teen.

Synopsis: Lou Bloom, a driven young man desperate for work, discovers the high-speed world of L.A. crime journalism. You saying nightcrawler was the best portrayal of a sociopath is like me saying (insert generic Adam Sandler movie here) is the best portrayal of a person with down syndrome, sure they share some traits but its just not right.Right....... Did you actually watch the movie before forming your incredibly incorrect and worthless opinion or are you just suckling on the teat of what the deluded of this sub want to hear?Really?

Lou is a psychopath, without a doubt.

As good as it gets (But probably does not have the atmosphere you are looking for) La piel que habito. His partner Rick depicts the opposite of Lou.

Lou exhibits many off-putting behaviors that would raise a few red flags, regardless of his situation. He is however definitely a psychopath.Nightcrawler is definitely my favourite depiction of psychopathy in popular media. Lou makes it crystal-clear to Rick, who had earlier called him out on not understanding people, that he understands them perfectly well, he just doesn't What are your thoughts on this? Reply. Collateral, Drive, and Nightcrawler. I would consider the character in Nightcrawler to … If you haven't seen the film Nightcrawler, staring Jake Gyllenhaal, then I would highly recommend it if you have an interest in this sub. He is the ultimate individualist, concerned only with himself. A sociopath feels emotions and their vitals vary accordingly.Think Hannibal vs Buffalo Bill. If he was pure evil he would probably have been a lot more ruthless for his own personal gain than how he is presented in the film.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castPress J to jump to the feed. Is Lou a good guy forced into a bad role, or is he evil at heart?He's almost literally a textbook case of antisocial personality disorder/psychopathy.

He wasn't already chasing ambulances when the movie started - he chose the career and succeeded in meeting its high demands because he was already ruthless and cold.Is it normal that literally everything in this article sounds exactly like me?

We need to talk about kevin. Louis Bloom is there to record the chaos for the news.

One hour photo (To some extent)

I want a film where Vincent is hired to kill Driver. Evil is perhaps up for debate depending on your perspective on the disorder - is someone incapable of empathy capable of being evil?

STAY SMART November 14, 2014 at 11:52 AM. He's got a total lack of empathy for anyone around him, he's manipulative of others to the point of using sexual extortion with Nina, and he's selfish enough to do whatever it takes to get ahead, even if it involves theft or outright murder.He also has a few other small tics, such as how most of his praise for others comes off as strikingly passive-aggressive, or how he'll often spew out some sort of self-help advice, even when it's obviously not appropriate.Now, some of this could imply that he's simply ignorant and doesn't realize that what he's doing is wrong, but this isn't the case. That said, psychopathy itself isn't a disease and is therefore not in the manual for diagnosing mental health disorders.

In ASD research in the 20th century, there are autistic psychopaths.. Today we know that the genetic material that is causally related to autism, schizophrenia, and many of their behavioral features including synaesthesia in all likelihood; has homogeneity.My point here is that in human males, if you have a primary psychopath, you also are undoubtedly going to be dealing with some degree of high functioning autism.

In addition to that he has no regards for moral and social boundaries, which allows him to be successful. He just happens to be high functioning and is capable of restraint and planning. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Sociopath has a compelling reason to stay on the straight and narrow, they CAN do it. Obviously shit's complicated, but if you take an honest look at the research in both fields from 1900 until now, it becomes very obvious that hyper masculinity is something people are born with, both male and female, and in this groups of people with this trait or uteral environment there are stereotypes.