Borrowed trousers: if they are not too tight around the legs, they will be too loose; one's own things fit one exactly.

One does not keep quiet and yet misspeak; one does not silently contemplate the world and yet get into trouble. Refusal-to-acknowledge-salutations enhances the god's dignity. One does not get angry with one's head and therefore use one's cap to cover one's buttocks. 2007 Subjects: angol english hungarian közmondások magyar proverbs. OWE YORUBA: Taa ba tori isu je epo, aa tori epo je isu. A volatile-tempered person secures food for a mild-tempered person. One is never as wise as the person deceiving one. One does not enjoy the designation “He Goat” and yet sport a smooth (horn-less) head. It is a person who is both incapable of thought and shameless that dances to bàtá music while in poverty. Yorubawiki focuses on yoruba proverbs and its usage in communication and interpretation,the vegetables the land possessed and its health benefit,hymns & Author, the stories behind the hymns also its yoruba interpretation, easy identification and names of animals in yoruba, Numbers in yoruba, and motivational quotes that makes you hungry for success Contact us: 12. One does not get out of the way for a person who rode a horse yesterday. — Cameroonian proverb It means Necessity is mother of invention, creativity is often achieved after overcoming many difficulties. A kì í dájọ́ orò ká yẹ̀ ẹ́. Courage is the power to let go of the familiar. You now following He-who-eats-with-one-without-self-restraint; he breaks off morsels like his mother's senior. It is an immoderate person who carries his offering past Èṣù's shrine; one-who-carries-his-alms-past-the-mosque. Mouse-that-does-not-know-its-place; it says that since the day the cat delivered (a baby) it has not gone to offer congratulations. Yoruba Proverbs This is a compilation of the proverbs submitted below: 1.

Proverb: Ọmọdé kìí mọ Ori jẹ kí ó mà ràa lọ́wọ́ . — Ethiopian proverb. The chicken that shits and does not piss retains the rest in its body. Feeding-without-leaving kills the Tullberg's rat; feeding-without-departing kills the spotted grass mouse; feeding-without-departing kills the máláàjú rat. he resurrects at night. An elder is not present at a market and permit a child's head to rest askew. An elder who insults a youth makes a present of his own insult. An elder courting disgrace, after his head has been shaved he says, “Now, how about shaving the beard (as a gratuity)?” (One should do what is fitting for one's station in life.)

Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the conquest of it. ~ Francois de Salignac Fenelon. It is an elder who does not know his limitations that is washed away by a river. An elder who is wary of disgrace will not play at stealing. We group yams in lots and the fruit of the sausage tree drops among them; does it count as complement to a lot, or as gratuity? "1 nearly killed the bird." Translation: The person who eats late, will not eat spoilt or rotten food Meaning: The patient Dog eats the fattest bone. One does not become an adult and yet lack courage; one lives life as it finds one.

We lift a saddle and the goat (kin) scowls; it is no burden for a sheep. It is the absence of people on the farm that brings one to conversing with a dog. 9. We saw other trees in the bush before we settled on ọ̀mọ̀

A pregnant woman does not dance to bẹ̀m̀bẹ́ music; pendulous-stomached woman. One does not arrive at Màrọ́kọ́ ahead of the litigant. One does not summon the wife and so involve the go-between. The newly emerged palm frond says it will touch the sky; did those that came before it do so? The bush dweller says he heard a rumour; who told him, if it was not a town dweller? “Those who lack the courage will always find a philosophy to justify it.

An elder does not wash his hand and then decide to eat more. Ancient Yoruba sayings You must be willing to die in order to live. One does not sacrifice to a god in the presence of a house rat; otherwise, when night falls it invades the rafter shelves. One does not farm a plot by the road and neglect its care; every dog and goat would ridicule one. Resisting-while-being-pulled is the proper behavior for a bride; if she is pulled and she does not resist, something is the matter with her. The white chicken does not recognize itself as an elder.

OWE YORUBA: Oju mewa, ko le Jo oju eni. is a social media network for Nigerian Languages and Culture, where you can post, discover and share Nigerian videos, pictures, words, pronunciations & translations in Nigerian Languages (currently Hausa, Igbo, Pidgin, Yoruba) The bow cannot fight, but who dares confront it with a stick? Sitting-without-getting-up, speaking-without-waiting-for-responses, walking people on their way and not turning back, unpleasantness is what they breed.

A dog is never so fierce that it can guard two doorways.

— African proverb. Excessive ribbing unfailingly leads to a fight.

The mouse cannot get a grip on the awùsá nut; all it can do is roll it around. 13. The cockroach would dance; it is the chicken that does not allow. An elderly person does not engage in the type of play that provokes the comment, “What brought all this about?” ~ Napoleon Bonaparte We must travel in the direction of our fear . The visitor does not recount the history of the town for the host. Woodpeckers in the forest say they can carve mortars, frogs in the stream say they can string beads, and awúrebe say they can weave cloth.