First off, don't answer this if you're just going to give a one-word response. go ahead and paddle some dudes *** dont need a husband or a boyfriend stay single.poor guyHow do you think about the answers? Well, it is one of several different factors in an 'adult' relationship. I am just going to giv So if you believe in marriage before sex that's awesome. So, in boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, sex def. Be gentle on him!

Besides the communication and sex issues, my relationship with my fiance is everything I could ask for.

43 Answers. and if so, then why do people cheat? Make up your mind about what is most important for you. She wanted more from me and I didn't give it to her. First off, don't answer this if you're just going to give a one-word response. I just didn't cause I knew deep inside that I really didn't want to be with her and the quickest way out of a woman's life is bad sex.I'm glad I'm not with her anymore and as much as I tried to convince myself to want to be in love, I knew she wasn't the one.So sex amongst couples can be politic even when you don't want it to be.Sex is not everything for everyone but itmay be for YOU. Ick.I was in a year long relationship, with no sex involved. We've both talked a lot about sex, and he pretty much has the same attitude as me that I thought my fiance also had, but we've not had sex. Everything has to have a good balance from getting along to loving each other.Sex is not everything in a relationship, no, but I think between two people in love it can be for more than procreation, like enjoying your spouse, expressing your love, feeling pleasure, forming a close bond.What do you think of the answers?
We're both very open to trying new things, and lately we've been discussing the possibility of the two of us getting together and perhaps trying out some of the things we've been talking about.
I think men can have sex without emotions, but most women can not. That's considered as cheating on him.I cant believe you would have any kind of ideas like this just because you want sex. You can sign in to vote the answer.Still have questions? ISNT THE REAL QUESTION ...ITS ...DO YOU REALLY WANT TO STAY WITH UR FIANCE?? I tried to hold out but sometimes it gets a little hard..I am 22 by the way and still a virgin, but have done the oral thing. I am thinking about breaking if off with my boyfriend of almost two years today and I need some advice and a little motivation is sticking with my decision. Or maybe, you move you rook recklessly, but it is spared. ?the grass is always greener.

I'm not sure. Favorite Answer . Mo. I mean sure, we have sex, it just that we don't get into it like we used to when the relationship was newer. BUT ONLY DO IT IF YOU WANT AND WHEN YOU FEEL READY, EVEN if you are like 30 or something.Sex should come after you have an established marriage. I've tried to talk to him about it, but he's really condescending whenever I try to get him to try anything new. If sex is most important- let your fiancee go and find someone who can be what they need. I think if you pursue that, you will probably shoot yourself in the foot.You said that you love everything about him, almost (Im paraphrasing). the sex can only be good for so long, and then it will eventually get old, boring, and not fun.that's why communication, common interests, etc.... are just as important in a relationship.No sex is not everything in a relationship. It depends. So I guess it could be possible :)No, it's only part of the relationship. FIGURE OUT WHAT YOU REALLY WANT.....IS SEX EVERYTHING? The only problem is, our sex life has been going downhill lately. We communicate better than my fiance and I do; it's not for lack of trying on my part, it's just that he was raised in a family where you don't talk about emotions and you don't ever mention when something bothers you and the like, while I'm the opposite.My question is this; is there enough of a reason to ask my fiance for a break so that I can give it a go with my guy friend, or should I just stick it out? its only fairYour going to BE MARRIED to this guy soon, you cant go off having sex with other men. Lv 6. Hang on to your values, because most Americans have lost theirs. I've been dating my fiance for three years, and I love him dearly. My last girlfriend broke up with me cause we didn't mesh in bed. No one can make the decision for you, but the timer counts down...If your fiance does'nt want to lay the pipe then you must consider why? God made it between man and wife to strengthen their bond, but outside of marriage it can be dangerous. But that doesn't mean it WON'T last... there could be hope.I'm not gonna say it's not possible. Perhaps girls see it in the same way as well. It just doesn't work like that. Sorry for my ignorance to American customs as I have only been here for a few years and had never have a relationship before. Enjoy it when it's right.if the entire relationship is based on sex alone then its going to fail eventually.