Searching for Uruguay facts? Interesting facts about Uruguay. Uruguay’s specialty on that front is its crazy festivals involving religion, plenty of food, music, and folklore. This country has the second best rugby team in South America, Los Teros. 1. Jewish history in Uruguay dates all the way back to the colonial period. Just over 40% of the population of this country claims to have no religious identity. Prior to the establishment of the World Cup championships, this country participated in the Olympics games, winning the gold for soccer in 1924 and 1928. Here are some quick general facts about Uruguay. There are three cows for every … When speaking, Uruguayans tend to be more direct and upfront than individuals from other South American countries.When greeting close friends and sometimes new acquaintances, a typical greeting involves a hug and kiss on the cheek. Uruguay Overview - Customs and Culture - Diet and Recipes - Language - Religion - Students Life - Interesting Facts People Government - Politics Geography Economy News - Weather History Photos - Video Travel En Español Sources World Regions Activities Learn by Topic United States Edition

When Spanish explorers discovered the territory in 1516, they faced fierce resistance from the Charrua Indians. Musicians often gather in Montevideo to play in the streets at evening time.Tango is often associated with Argentina, although it has roots in Montevideo, Uruguay as well. Interesting Facts About Uruguay. The reformist Colorado leader, who led the country from 1985 to 1990 and again from 1995 to 2000, oversaw economic growth and social improvements. By the end of the autocratic rule in 1985, Uruguay had the largest number of political prisoners per capita anywhere. It includes a choir singing in a nasal tone and 3 percussion instruments: cymbals, snare drum, and bombo drum.Candombe is an Afro-Uruguayan type of music and is played by using several percussion instruments simultaneously. Some of the popular types of music here include: milonga, tango, candombe, and murga.Murga is the music typically reserved for Carnival festivals.

Similar to Argentina, gaucho traditions are predominant in the music and art of Uruguay, while the country proudly boasts some of the world’s finest performers and composers of tango music.Uruguayans, like most of their South American counterparts, are generally considered warm and hospitable people, and a common pastime is sitting around the many street stalls, sipping the national drink, mate, a South American infused tea. The Spanish established the capital Montevideo in 1726 but continued to battle with the Portuguese for control of the region. Led by revolutionary Jose Gervasio Artigas, fondly referred to as the father of Uruguayan independence, local forces ousted the Spanish in 1811 and the Liga Federal (Federal League) was created. When greeting close friends and sometimes new … Before independence, it was known as Banda Oriental del Uruguay .The name "Uruguay" is a Guaraní word meaning "river of shellfish," or "river the uru birds come from." Some of the most famous Uruguayan sculptors include: Hugo Nantes, Pablo Atchugarry, Carlos Páez Vilaró, and Claudio Silveira Silva. View Images. It has a fast, upbeat rhythm that is often accompanied by dance.The government and some private foundations provide limited financial support for literature and the arts in Uruguay. The first World Cup championship game was held here and Uruguay took home first place.Other popular sports in Uruguay are rugby and basketball. Dressing in this manner is often associated with having a higher socioeconomic status and is, therefore, largely desired. Save Due to Uruguay’s location on the east coast of the continent and proximity to the Rio de la Plata, the country was strongly contested by warring colonial forces and eventually fell under Spanish rule. The country was subjected to economic woes throughout the 1950’s, spilling over into the 1960’s, during which time civil unrest was common and guerrilla movements, including the Tupamaros, formed.A state of emergency was declared by the president Jorge Pacheco in 1968 and was followed by years of army-backed dictatorship. This event involves large parades of dancers and drum players in colorful dress. Once Uruguay gained independence and became more politically stable during the 19th century, literature began to develop and take on a more nationalistic style. Uruguay is a diverse country full of a variety of cultures, foods, religions, arts, and sports that all come together to form the national identity. 3. Most foods are either boiled, grilled, or fried, including vegetables and carbohydrates.Due to the long history of cattle raising and the strong cultural identification with the The national drink is yerba mate, a tea-like infusion made from the leaves of the yerba mate plant. However, Brazil’s wary Portuguese government invaded the new state and eventually annexed it in 1821. When speaking, Uruguayans tend to be more direct and upfront than individuals from other South American countries. A native of New York City, when he is not traveling, he can find an abundance of cultural influences right in his own city, enough to keep him satisfied until the next country's beckon cannot be ignored any longer.Dauntless Jaunter is a travel website committed to promoting socially-conscious, culturally-aware, educational, and enlightening sort of travel, as well as the importance and lifelong value of such travel.