To achieve this necessary change, we have identified four key focus areas where we see the need for transformation over the next five years.Our approach is based on incremental changes and improvements over three phases:In 2019, we conducted our first cross-market greenhouse gas (GHG) emission assessment. The sustainability work supports the Group’s vision and strategic priorities.
However, data is not available for all of our markets, and therefore this assumption may be a limitation in the overall analysis, which could be further improved in the future.At Condé Nast we are proud of the initial steps we have taken to improve the sustainability of the paper and plastic packaging we use, but we acknowledge there’s still work to be done.Over 96% of the 35,000 tons of paper we used in 2018 was internationally certified.

Our goal is to reach 100% by the end of 2021. SBB’s sustainability vision, targets and policy are adopted by the Board of Directors and continuously followed up by the CEO together with the Sustainability Manager. Our first five-year sustainability strategy (2020 – 2025) is structured in three phases, which involve incremental improvements across four key areas: Reducing our emissions and offsetting when reduction is … Sustainability is a natural part of our business model and SBB strives to be the world’s most sustainable property company.
At the UN summit in September 2015, the world’s national leaders adopted 17 global sustainable development goals. From our very first day in 1947, our business has been about making fashion and the joy it can bring accessible to everyone — democratising what had previously been a … We aim for our brands to be recognised as leading advocates for sustainability, setting higher standards for reporting on issues of climate change and sustainable fashion. Welcome to H&M Group. The countries of the world have committed to lead the world to a sustainable and fair future from 1 January 2016 until 2030. single-use plastic wraps) on the environment, in 2019 we committed to phasing out these plastics from our publications across our owned operations by 2025, in line with our pledge to the We have already made good progress on this commitment and are on track to eliminate 50% of single use plastic packaging by the end of Phase One (2018 baseline), with 10 out of 12 markets already testing alternative packaging materials and solutions. Strategy: Clean Technology Develop the sustainable competencies of the future Corporate Payoff: Innovation & Repositioning Strategy: Pollution Prevention Minimize waste and emissions from operations Corporate Payoff: Cost & Risk Reduction Strategy: Product Stewardship Integrate stakeholder views into business process Corporate Payoff: Reputation & Legitimacy Vision and Strategy. Acknowledging the negative impact of fossil-based, non-recyclable plastics (i.e.

Below is an overview of our GHG emissions across 12 Condé Nast markets and our total emissions for 2018.For post-consumer magazines, it is also likely that a high proportion of these are sent for recycling, as magazines are potentially a source of high-quality recovered fibers.

We will continue to monitor, adapt and improve the way we operate as a business to meet our environmental ambitions and inspire our audiences, peers and employees to take positive climate action. Concrete goals within the different focus areas have been formulated and are described under each section. The alternative packaging solutions that have been adopted by our markets range from naked mailing (U.S.); paper envelopes (Russia); recycled plastics made from post-consumer waste (PCW) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) (Britain and Germany); and bio-based compostable packaging made from potato starch, sugar cane and corn (Britain, France, Japan, Mexico, Spain, Taiwan, Italy).We will continue to monitor progress and report annually on our efforts to eliminate problematic plastic from our packaging.The materiality principle is at the core of Condé Nast’s five-year sustainability approach, which enables our global operations to prioritize actions with the most significant impact. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development covers the three dimensions of sustainability: social, economic and environmental – Eradicating extreme poverty, reducing inequality and injustice, solving the climate crisis. We have made strides towards transitioning to 100% fully certified paper via the In 2018, Condé Nast used approximately 440 tons of single-use plastic in magazine packaging. We aim to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030, starting with a 20% reduction in corporate emissions and 10% reduction in supply chain by the end of 2021.