She has a larger role in the second season, despite only appearing in ten of the thirteen episodes due to her hibernation for three episodes, so she awakens after Mr. Vole, Mr. Fieldmouse, and Adder is later told the truth by Owl, she then sleeps in the sun to preserve her venom. The most notorious image from The Animals Of Farthing Wood, though, comes during the seventh episode. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

However she is seen and attacked by Scarface, she manages to escape down a burrow but Scarface manages to rip off the end of her tail.She spends most of the final episodes up to She then watches Scarface die and later tells Toad about her triumph.

You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at You may be able to find more information on their web site. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. Her pride is also hurt by Whistler when he carries her across the motorway, and rescues her from being washed into a drain. This content is imported from YouTube. Adder watches on as Scarface slowly dies, and then heads off to inform the other animals of his triumph. Adder appears at the meeting of elders to discuss the problem with Trey, but he decides not to join the other animals on their trip to the pond to show Trey that he cannot stop them from drinking there. He later talks to While Fox and his family are searching For Bold, Adder tells When he learns of his mistake he goes into hiding and fasts to preserve his venom for Scarface, but he is forced into the sun to regulate his body temperature and is seen by He tells Scarface, who goes after Adder and bites off the end of his tail, but the snake is able to escape into a small burrow. When the animals first meet the heron, Adder is uncharacteristically frightened when he suddenly appears. Adder is a snake who makes the journey from Farthing Wood to White Deer Park in both the books and the TV series. The generally sarcastic and unsentimental Adder actually cries upon finding her mate dead. Adder searches out Sinuous early in the spring and she warns him that the stream may be dangerous as all the animals seem to be avoiding it. This content is imported from YouTube. Though we're not entirely clear on the logistics of rats choking a snake (did they just stand on him? During the final battle Adder pursues Spike and eventually kills him to avenge the death of Sinuous. Following his joining of the party, he often lands on her whenever she starts intimidating the smaller animals; he always claims it is by accident, but none are convinced. She appears in all the episodes of season 1, mostly following the animals to When the baby Fieldmice are born, she tries to mesmerize them in the hope of eating them, but ends up falling asleep herself. As ever in these stories, we humans are basically the worst.Some of the animals made it to greener pastures, while others... well, didn't. When the animals wind up on a golf course and become paralysed with fear at the sight of a lawn mower, she goads them on, while she hides in a hole on the green. "Whatever you do, dearest, don't curl up…" he tells her, as a lorry barrels straight over their quivering bodies. ), this scene was brutal.

DIGITAL SPY, PART OF THE HEARST UK ENTERTAINMENT NETWORK While the animals are trapped in the farm storeroom, Adder distracts the guard dog Jack allowing the others to tunnel their way out. For once she does not appear to be trying to eat them, but Vole quickly convinces to run regardless. Adder finds some large footprints near the pond and asks Toad to confirm whether they have been made by a large mammal. End of "Bully-Bully-Bully" 2. She goes with the foxes, She leaves the group to kill rats, stating she has killed thousands, but she knows that nobody could kill all of them. AOFW end credits "Series 3" (French staff) 3. However, Adder does help the other creatures on many occasions; such as saving Adder is the last to arrive at the assembly and shows very little interest in the proceedings, but starts to take interest when Toad tells the group about the Adder struggles to cross the trunk road and is nearly run over, but the car turns at the last second and misses him. Having originally isolated himsel… Sinuous is left trapped in the rat's cave, and Adder is nearly bitten to death by the rats, in a manner similar to that of Sinuous's death in the books. After this, Adder waits by the stream for Scarface and when the old fox starts crossing the stream to get home after his killing spree in Farthing Wood land, Adder sinks his fangs into Scarface's leg, releasing his full store of venom. This content is imported from YouTube. Weasel is male in the books but is female in the TV series.