1 18,724 14 minutes read.
The Afrikan Library. And this is why they fail again and again to create a peaceful, progressing and prosperous Africa. It means Behold the black man.

I found myself amongst men and women, possessing knowledge that was already ancient when the man Jesus Christ was born.

All Rights Reserved. In 1975 I succeeded in obtaining permission and funds to build the first living museum, for the preservation of my people’s knowledge, religion and culture, in the centre of But I did not see myself as a politician, I saw myself as a healer, whose duty it was to preserve the greatness of his people, regardless of which government happened to be in power in Years of careful investigation had taught me the European powers that had colonized Africa had done more than just beat our people into submission with artillery and rifles. Nobody knows how it had got into my wife’s uterus, but before my wife passed away, I received a threatening letter warning me not to talk to a man named I am a sculptor, who has created large sculptures in various parts of I have used the knowledge that I acquired over many years of investigation and travel, I have used that knowledge to create job opportunities for my starving people. India is admired for its great culture and its ancient religious philosophies as well as its other philosophies.

Were we Africans really a race of primitives who possessed no knowledge at all before the white man came to Africa?

Take Capitec for example.

I support this view. Friends advised me to write books. I believe that a truly democratic country, is a country that uses the spiritual talents and the heritage of its people to feed the hungry and clothe the naked. And even if you stood up and walked away from these people, and said to them that you were giving them back their freedom, they would stand up and follow you wherever you are going for their minds were still your slaves even though their bodies were now free of your chains.I believed then as I believe now, that the African has never really gained freedom and independence. Is it...Maybe you skipped payment which increased the capital owed....Hi.

We were there in Sumeria, we were there in India, we founded great kingdoms in Cambodia, and the first man to be saluted as emperor of China was one of us, a son of Africa, a black man. Having traveled throughout the world, Credo Mutwa, says that the “legends” of the interactions of humans and reptilians are common knowledge in Australia among the Aborigines, the cultures of Japan and Taiwan, as well as indigenous Native American people like the Mayans, Sioux, Cree, and many others. Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn StumbleUpon Tumblr Pinterest Reddit VKontakte Odnoklassniki Pocket WhatsApp Telegram Viber Share via Email Print.
Admin March 25, 2020. If you rob a people of all these things you turn them into a race of robots, forever dependent upon you. And because my family now kept on travelling, as a result of my father’s building profession, which took him from town to town, we became a family of travellers, who never stayed long in one place.In 1935, my father found a job, a major building job, in the And although I was taken to white doctors, I could find no help until my father’s brother, the same one who had taken me away from my maternal grandfather decided to take me back to my mother’s village in the hope that I would find help there. I am a black man who has every reason to be bitter and angry. And I was greatly surprised when he did, and I began to wonder were not the missionaries wrong when they called people such as my grandfather ungodly heathens. A thing of the past and I decided to try and preserve somehow, what I could of my people’s culture. The Aids epidemic which will soon wipe out great tribes, such as the Zulus, my people, is no accident, neither is the flood of drugs that is sweeping over this once beautiful country. And as a first step towards correcting this injustice, I want to tell you that it was not only the Mayas, the Incas, the Aztecs and other people of Central and South America who possessed amazing knowledge about the mysteries of the Universe.