This will help the plant adjust to new light levels without experiencing shock.When bringing your jade and other houseplants in from outside, check them thoroughly for pests (mealy bug, aphids, spider mite, etc.) so that you do not bring any unwanted guests into your home. Indoor Light. If you are growing your jade plant outside in a northern climate (zones 5 to 7) during the summer months, it may prefer a full sun area, as the sun is less intense in northern exposures.Indoors, light levels are generally lower than outside. Jade plants prefer to have bright, indirect light, but they do adapt to lower light conditions.

Repot as needed, preferably during the warm season. All Rights Reserved. Take care not to over water your jade plant. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map!

Indoors, light levels are generally lower than outside. Get it free when you sign up for our newsletter. Like all succulents, jades have special structures and metabolic systems to store water in their fleshy leaves to survive dry periods that occur in their natural habitats. If you simply do not have enough daylight (at least six hours of bright light) you might try using artificial plant lights that are available at your local hardware store for supplemental lighting.If you plan to move your jade plant from indoors to outside in the summer, it is important to slowly introduce it to higher light conditions after being inside. If you are growing your jade plant indoors as a houseplant, it will do best in a southern window with four or more hours of direct sunlight. If you water from beneath by letting the plant sit in a saucer of water, make sure to pour off any excess water after a few minutes.

This generally means that the plant will enjoy either dappled shade (such as under a tree) or three to six hours of sun exposure per day. Jade plants need medium to bright light. In these areas they can be evergreen shrubs or used in containers as specimen plants and grow happily in partial sun and partial shade.

It is important to keep this in mind when deciding where to grow your jade plant, especially when considering the light requirements.Jade plants can be grown outdoors in climates where nighttime temperatures stay above 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius), hardiness zones 10 through 12. This means that a jade plant will thrive in a more sunny spot in your home than it might require outside--a window with a Southern exposure with nothing blocking the light from entering is ideal. When bringing your plant back inside in the fall, repeat the same process in reverse, methodically giving it less light until it is back in a sunny location in your home. To keep your jade plant in the best of health, use these guidelines:

This is best done by increasing its sun exposure slowly over a two-week period until it can be established in the location where will be for the rest of the summer. Jade plants may also grow well in full sun locations but benefit from adequate air circulation to help avoid sunburn on their leaves. Sonya Harris is a Master Gardener, former special education teacher, and founder of the award-winning Bullock Children's Garden in Glassboro, New Jersey, with experience in small-space gardening, low-income gardening, and growing foods and plants in poor soil conditions. Jon VanZile is a Master Gardener and the author of "Houseplants for a Healthy Home." This means that a jade … Jade plants (Crassula ovata or Crassula arborescens) are succulent plants with ovate leaves of one to two inches in length and width. Whether you are gifted with a green thumb or not, our guide will help you grow the perfect houseplants. They are best... Propagation. How to Grow Pencil Cactus (Euphorbia tirucalli) at Home Place them in front of a window that gets around 4 hours of direct or filtered sunlight. Keep in mind that if you place it in direct, strong sun, the edges of the leaves will turn reddish, leaving a red border around the leaves. As with all succulents, overwatering is sure to be fatal, so err on the side of too dry rather than too wet. Sprout leaves by placing them into a succulent or Jade Plant Light Requirements Jade plants that are grown outdoors seem to do best with around four to six hours of direct sunlight, with a little shade from the intense rays of the afternoon sun. Plants can be easily propagated from a single leaf. A sparse and "leggy" jade plant that has little or no growth is a sign that there is not enough light. How to Grow Jade Plants Growing Conditions. Jade plants are easy to grow, but they are susceptible to mealy bugs and fungal diseases. If you do not have such a window, try to find the brightest space you have in your home. Plants can be easily propagated from a single … They are native to arid climates such as in South Africa and, like most plants, will thrive in environmental conditions that mimic their origins. Light: Jade plants prefer full sun and like four or more hours of sunlight each day. In less direct sun, the leaves will be a dark green and will look healtheir. However, since jade plants are adaptable to lower light, they can grow in other areas of the home. Jade plant is known for its ease of propagation. Many insect problems can be treated by simply wiping them away with cotton balls and rubbing alcohol, and you can check with your local garden center for other organic and people- and pet-friendly insecticides if necessary.Jade plants like to be in well-drained soils and prefer to stay fairly dry, as they can be adversely affected by over watering.