website, and at what time you accessed our Website.We do not collect any other type of personal data. She becomes increasingly nervous, self-conscious, and anxious around in his presence (sometimes, the mere act of touching hands sends them into fits of embarrassed babbling), and she wants to spend as much time with him as possible. Kyo thrust a few more times before spilling his seed into her, triggering her orgasm. -only the beggining of this scene because the rest makes me sad. After finding out that Kureno can’t see Arisa anymore, Tohru feels terrible for not being able to help her friend, though Arisa tells her it’s not her fault. While this does tend to make him seem a bit boring, he could easily keep Tohru safe.Yuki, especially when taking a look at other Sohma members, is one of the most sensible characters.Kyo spent a lot of time training under his karate master and has a ton of discipline. When Tohru first meets Akito, she admits that she is scared of her and is slightly distrustful towards her as she is aware that she has hurt people close to her such as Yuki and Hatori. It’s a gem.Kagura: I hate leaving Kyo, my love, alone in this house! That's how it's done.All boys and girls should have some solid cooking skills, and more than once, Tohru has delighted the Sohmas with her great cooking, especially since Yuki, Shigure and the others can't cook worth a darn. Even after she meets the Sohmas and finds herself in more unusual circumstances, Tohru regularly talks about her mother fondly and often thinks back to her in times of worry, and relies on her emotional wisdom to guide her through life. Although they don't have much of a friendship initially, both are very similar; being sincere, kind, polite, and think of others before themselves. places we deem appropriate, so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, from the story Tohru x Kyo by Tohru_Kyo-Sohma with 1,141 reads. For example, when she finds out that the man Arisa had fallen in love with was Kureno Sohma, Tohru sneaks into the Sohma main estate and almost gets into trouble to find him.

In this mini fanfic piece (in my mind palace) Tohru hands him a sunflower to brighten his day, and Kyo leans in to kiss her?
Tohru is also aware of bits of Yuki’s trauma and issues, and thus cares and worries about him deeply and wants to help him the best way she can; including offering him friendship, a listening ear, unconditional support without expecting something in return, and even pushing Akito away from Yuki whom she threatened to lock up and torture for defying her. When Tohru slowly begins falling in love with Kyo, it upsets her greatly, and she spends a long time struggling with these feelings as she feels guilty about demeaning Kyoko's memory by placing a new person in her heart. Tohru is an only child, so she has plenty of room in her heart for a little brother and little sister in spirit.

Because of this, Kisa eventually opens up to Tohru and develops a very deep attachment to her; affectionally calling Tohru for "Onee-chan".

It is later revealed that Tohru and Yuki “met” each other when they were younger where Yuki saved her, and although she doesn’t remember the identity of the boy, Tohru cherishes the memory and calls the boy her “first love”.
Tohru is a wonderful big sister after all.Partway through the series, Hastsuharu demonstrated his light/dark duality, like the black and white of a cow. Tohru is happy to have met Hatori, another member of the Zodiac. Tohru later also acknowledges that even though Akito did make many mistakes, she was still in the wrong as she had hurt Akito in the process of wanting to break the curse. For example, Google’s use of the She dearly misses both parents, but her relationship to them involves fond memories and valued lessons, not bitterness or grief. date/timestamp, and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track user’s With grace and dignity, that's how. Yuki visits her more than anyone else when she is hospitalized, which Tohru appreciates deeply. Please contact us at This also makes him the complete opposite of Tohru, who is always cheerful and never angry at others.