"There are facts, there are opinions, and there are lies," says historian Deborah Lipstadt, telling the remarkable story of her research into Holocaust deniers -- and their deliberate distortion of history. Hello Reddit!

After a ten-week trial in London in 2000, in an overwhelming victory for Lipstadt, the judge found Irving to be a "neo-Nazi polemicist" who "perverts" history and engages in "racist" and "anti-Semitic" discourse.
Yes, Jeremy Corbyn IS fuelling anti-Semitism: PROFESSOR DEBORAH LIPSTADT, whose epic court victory over a Holocaust denier was made into a film, lays out a … Learn more about the

Deborah E. Lipstadt, Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish History and Holocaust Studies, Tam Institute for Jewish Studies and the Department of Religion. translators. Lip­stadt was born in New York City, the daugh­ter of Miriam (née Peiman; 1915–2013) and Erwin Lip­stadt (1903–1972). She is known for her work on After a ten-week trial in London in 2000, in an overwhelming victory for Lipstadt, the judge found Irving to be a "neo-Nazi polemicist" who "perverts" history and engages in "racist" and "anti-Semitic" discourse. Previous to Deborah's current city of Atlanta, GA, Deborah Lipstadt lived in Los Angeles CA and Cambridge MA. Summary: Deborah Lipstadt is 73 years old and was born on 03/18/1947. She has held a Presidential appointment to the United States Holocaust Memorial Council (from Presidents Clinton and Obama) and was asked by President George W. Bush to represent the White House at the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.Lipstadt has a BA from the City College of New York and an MA and PhD from Brandeis University.TED.com translations are made possible by volunteer “Unzere Devora,” our Deborah, “you do not know what you did for us,” murmured a Holocaust survivor before Yom ha-Sho’ah observances in the U.S. Capitol in April 2000. There's no nuance, there's no middle ground, it's taking any shade of grey and stomping on it. Dr. Deborah E. Lipstadt, Dorot professor of Holocaust Studies at Emory University in Atlanta, was sued for libel in 1996 by David Irving for having called him a Holocaust denier. She rebuked People go nuts here, they go nuts. Lipstadt was a historical consultant to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, helping design the section of the Museum dedicated to the American Response to the Holocaust. She stud­ied at the He­brew In­sti­tute of Long Is­land, and grew up in Far Rock­away, Queens. Deborah Lipstadt wuchs in einer jüdischen Familie auf, die ihr unter anderem ein „starkes Bewusstsein dafür mitgegeben habe, dass man zu Ungerechtigkeiten nicht schweigen könne“.Im nordamerikanischen Wissenschaftsbetrieb wurde die Forscherin zunächst durch ihre Untersuchungen darüber bekannt, wie die amerikanischen Medien im Eine für wissenschaftliche Publikationen ungewöhnlich große, internationale Aufmerksamkeit erreichte sie mit ihrer Darstellung der Geschichte der Wegen der ihn betreffenden eindeutigen Aussagen dieser Veröffentlichung verlangte der prominente britische Holocaustleugner Der Prozess wurde 2016 zum Thema einer international erfolgreichen amerikanisch-britischen Kinoproduktion mit dem Titel Eine umfassende Aufarbeitung des Prozesses einschließlich Materialien der Verteidigung und der vollständigen Urteilsbegründung ist auf der Website Deborah Esther Lipstadt (born March 18, 1947) is an American historian, best known as author of the books Denying the Holocaust (1993), History on Trial: My Day in Court with a Holocaust Denier (2005), The Eichmann Trial (2011), and Antisemitism: Here and Now (2019). Dr. Deborah E. Lipstadt, Dorot professor of Holocaust Studies at Emory University in Atlanta, was sued for libel in 1996 by David Irving for having called him a Holocaust denier. In her youth, she studied at the Hebrew Institute of Long Island, and grew up in She spent her junior year of college in Israel during the After receiving her Ph.D., Lipstadt began teaching, first at the Lipstadt then became an Assistant Professor of Religion at Despite her acrimonious history with Irving, Lipstadt has stated that she is personally opposed to the three-year prison sentence Austria imposed on Irving for two speeches he made in 1989, where he claimed there had been no gas chambers at Auschwitz. Dr. Deborah Lipstadt, April 7th, 2017, TED-x Talks, Sheldonian Theatre, University of Oxford, England: ... Later, married and living in Moscow, she quickly became disillusioned with communism. Freshen up your watchlist with Prime Video’s latest roster of movies and TV shows, featuring Looking for some great streaming picks?