We have been saved and filled with the Holy Spirit. It is possible that the present war in the Middle East is a reflection of what is taking place in the heavens.This brief essay is based on the sermon of Mr. Stan Josephsen, the assistant pastor of Mount Zion Fellowship of Poway, California, given on Sunday morning, April 14th, 2002. God will put all of the enemies of Christ under His feet, and Christ will sit on the Throne of David in the city of Jerusalem. Also, I read one time, in a secular journal, that Jerusalem is the center of the land mass of the world. We will be able to give one last great witness of the coming of the Kingdom of God to the earth, and then the end of the Church Age will be here.What a glorious, dangerous era in which to live.

As we think about the battles occurring in the land of Israel while I am writing, we can see there are two forces involved. A true testimony is not being given by Christians, to a deplorable extent. Where is the strength of righteousness?

The Lord says pray. The travail is to bring forth the Kingdom of God, the putting to an end of all sin.Get a feel for the travail, the birth pains. In recent years, it has gone from sort-of moneymaker to money pit: In fiscal 2009-10, BookEnds pocketed $27,897. No power can prevent it.Does the above sound to you that Israel will finally be overcome?

He will bring to delivery. Christ is in control of each individual. Satan is using every device possible to keep the believer distracted from the real issue—that of bringing forth Christ. You will be removed from the Vine, from Christ, as an unfruitful branch. He would not surrender instantly.Today the battle is reflected in the increasing world pressure on Israel to permit the worshipers of Allah to establish Jerusalem as their capital city. There must be an intense following of Christ, looking to Him at all times for direction.

God against Satan. Es basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Roman von John Marsden , der in Deutschland unter dem Titel Morgen war Krieg erschien. They will be governed by those who have served Christ faithfully.So we do not panic when people are in danger, or die physically.

The shoulders of the adversary, Satan, will be pinned to the mat.Christians, both in the spirit realm and on the earth (for the two realms actually are one as we approach the overthrow of Satan), are responsible before God to assist in the final defeat of Satan.We must learn to rest in the total atoning power of the blood of the Lamb. How do we respond? They “swallow up” the Divine Life that is supposed to be formed in us.We are too busy to attend to the forming of Christ in us. Christ has inherited all from His Father.

Where is the Kingdom of God in this manmade doctrine? Not church members, but disciples!We always manage to pervert the Words of God.

Satan is standing before the Christian Church, seeking to devour the child, Christ, as He is being formed in the saints.Notice the term “devour.” It means to consume by eating. Will we ever offer our body a living sacrifice and do what He is saying at all times instead of charging out in our own wisdom, strength, desires, and objectives?If instead we will choose to obey Christ, there is no telling what victories God will give.So we have war in the Middle East, a reflection of the final struggle against Satan’s Kingdom.

Christ will finish what He has begun in you, so be confident and rejoice.The end of all this is the holy Jerusalem, first on this earth when Christ returns and establishes His throne on the Temple Mount; second on the new earth when the new Jerusalem, the Tabernacle of God, descends from God through the new sky to be established for eternity on the earth.In the first century the saints in Galatia were wavering between the new covenant and the Law of Moses. In time past I have taught that in the last days there would be a remnant of believers who would overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of their testimony, and by loving not their lives to the death.