Core Cutter method 3. Place the density plate in a level position on the material to be tested, dig a test hole about 4 in.

In the field, the dry density test is performed to check the compaction of layers.

The apparatus (Figure 11-1) required for the Sand Cone Method consists of a one-gallon jar, a detachable metal appliance, and a base plate. The shutter is opened, and the sand is filled in the cone and the hole.When the sand stops running out, the shutter is closed.

The sand replacement method is the most widely used in-situ density test. The cylinder is removed and the sand formerly filling the cone is collected and weighed.w3 = weight of cylinder after pouring sand into the cone and the container.A tray with a central hole is placed on the prepared ground surface which had been cleaned and properly A hole about 100 mm diameter and 150 mm deep is excavated in the ground, using the hole in the tray as a pattern.The soil removed, is carefully collected and weighed (w).The sand pouring cylinder is placed over the excavated hole. The sand cone method is used for field density test in highway construction.

FIELD DENSITY BY THE SAND CONE METHOD (A Modification of AASHTO Designation T 191) SCOPE 1. Field Density Test (Sand Cone Method): The sand cone method is one of the most common methods that are used for field density test in highway construction.

A calibrating container is placed below the pouring cylinder, and the shutter is opened.The sand fills the calibrating container and the cone.The weight of the sand in the container and the cone is equal to the difference between the two observations.The sand is allowed to run out of the cylinder, equal to the volume of the container and the shutter is closed.The cylinder is then placed over a plain surface, and the shutter is opened, the sand runs out of the of the cylinder and fills the cone.The shutter is closed when no further movement of sand takes place.
The procedure is described in ASTM D1556 / AASHTO T 191 . The cylinder is first calibrated to determine the unit Weight of sand. The following are the most common types of field density test:- 1.

The cylinder is first calibrated to determine the unit Weight of sand.For good results, the sand used should be uniform, dry and clean passing a 1.0 mm sieve and retained on a 600-micron sieve.The cylinder is filled with sand weighed. The sand cone is set on the test hole with the assistance of the base plate and sand is permitted to keep running by opening the control value.At the point when the sand stop running, the valve is shut and the cone is weighted with the rest of the sand. Compaction is The weight of empty sand cone is estimated and after that loaded with dry sand and weighted. in diameter and 4 in. The density apparatus and base plate are detailed in AASHTO T 191Section 3. Compaction is very useful for preparing the sub-base grade and other layers of pavement.

Although the test takes slightly longer to perform than some other in-situ density tests, the test may be carried out on most type of materials. Sand Replacement Method is also known as Sand Cone Method. deep, retain all the material which is removed from the hole, then measure and record the mass of the excavated soil. The dry density test is carried out in the field to check the compaction of the layers. The field density test of soil is conducted in the field to know whether the specified compaction is achieved or not. At that point, the compacted place to be re-compacted and re-test.The volume of the hole = Mass of sand in hole/Density of used sand.Wet density = Mass of wet excavated soil/Volume of hole (a) This method is used to determine the density of compacted soils or aggregates by determining the weight and moisture content material removed from a test hole and measuring the volume of the test hole.

Nuclear Moisture Density Meter The compaction or increase in density is achieved at site with the help of Tampers, different types of roller like steel drum roller, pneumatic-tyred roller, sheep foo… Subsequent to weighting, an example of soil is taken to decide its water content. Sand Cone Density is an accurate and reliable test method that has long been used to measure the in-place density of soils. The apparatus used in this field density test consists of a sand pouring cylinder, with pouring cone at its base. Very simple and sweet experiment on sand replacement method of compaction test.How can we judge a field whether it reached standard compaction or not, is there any standard value or percentageWhat is relation between Field Dry Density and Volume?Determination of Field Density Test of Soil by Sand Replacement Method.Sand Replacement Method Observation and Calculation.Water Content Determination of Sand Replacement Method. In the field, the dry density test is performed to check the compaction of layers. Water Replacement Method of Field Density Test 4. Sand Replacement Method or Sand Cone Method 2. The metal appliance is attached to the jar to allow the sand to flow from the jar during calibrations or density testing. The cylinder is removed and weighed.The volume of the hole is determined by the weight of sand filled in the hole and the unit weight of sand.w1 = weight of cylinder and sand before pouring into the hole.w3= weight of cylinder after pouring sand into the hole.γs= unit weight of sand, as found from calibration.The bulk unit in-situ soil is determined from the weight of soil excavated and the volume of the hole.The Wet density or bulk density of soil is computed as:After determining the water content (mc) of soil, the dry density of soil is computed as:Thanks a lot. Heavy oil Method 6. Rubber Balloon Method 5. A flat base plate with a 6.5in (165.1mm) circular opening is used as a template to position the hole at the test site.