The sand cone method is used for field density test in our highway construction. When the sand stops running, close the valve and weight the cone with the existing sand.

Please enter your email address. The process followed for field density test is generally as follows:-The surface of the soil is leveled and brush is used to clean the surface from fines. D4944 Test Method for Field Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil by the Calcium Carbide Gas Pressure Tester. A flat base plate with a 6.5in (165.1mm) circular opening is used as a template to position the hole at the test site. 2552 1 1 . Setting out is done to locate the position of the structural parts as in the detailed drawing with geometrical construction. D4914 Test Methods for Density and Unit Weight of Soil and Rock in Place by the Sand Replacement Method in a Test Pit. the technology is up on the top, but this test method is look like back to stone age.

Field density apparatus, clean sand, field density plate, container and balance works are used to conduct this test. In the field, the dry density test is carried out for check the compaction of layers. If the test fails, compact and perform the test again. In the field, the dry density test is carried out for check the compaction of layers. The Field Density test by the Sand Cone Method was carried out in accordance with ASTM D1556-00 “Standard Test Method for Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the Sand-Cone Method. The setti...1. You will receive a link and will create a new password via email.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.Morbi adipiscing gravdio, sit amet suscipit risus ultrices eu.Fusce viverra neque at purus laoreet consequa.Vivamus vulputate posuere nisl quis consequat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.Morbi adipiscing gravdio, sit amet suscipit risus ultrices eu.Fusce viverra neque at purus laoreet consequa.Vivamus vulputate posuere nisl quis consequat.The sand cone method is one of the most common methods that are used for field density test in highway construction. In field compaction, the compacting moisture content is first controlled at optimum moisture content and the adequacy of rolling or compaction is controlled by checking the dry density achieved and comparing with the maximum dry density.The weight of empty sand cone is measured and then filled with dry sand and weighted.The soil excavated from the hole is collected and weighted.After weighting, a specimen of soil is taken to determine it water content.The sand cone is placed on the test hole with the help of the base plate and sand is allowed to run by opening the control value.When the sand stops running, the valve is closed and the cone is weighted with the remaining sand.Then the dry density of soil can be calculated and the present of compaction of otherwise the compaction is failure.

The sand cone method is used for field density test in our highway construction. I am not understanding what is this have a machine for this test but in the UAE is not buying the machine because of coast all independent lab are saying do this with chisel and hammer Please look at this matter. Lost your password?

Measurement using a nuclear device is quicker, and is therefore the preferred method in most cases. The paper Process of Field Density Test. Collect the excavated soil from the hole and measure the weight.3. First, take the weight of the empty sand cone and then fill it with dry sand and then weight again.2. Now place the sand cone on the test hole with the help of the base plate and allow the sand to run by opening the control valve.5. Now place the sand cone on the test hole with the help of the base plate and allow the sand to run by opening the control valve. If the test fails, compact and perform the test again.The volume of the hole = Mass of sand in hole/Density of used sand.Wet density = Mass of wet excavated soil/Volume of holeSir how we can find the mixmum dry density in calculation? External wall plastering.