He is also rather cunning, showing himself to be just as cunning, if not more-so than Starscream. To make up for this, Knock Out suggested an upgraded limb, or else find his old arm. He also appears to have at least a small amount of humility due to his apparently humble reaction to when Optimus openly accepted him as an Autobot. He is also a coward, though his cowardice is mainly due to his concern about protecting his finish or his own life. This indicates he is not truly evil, just a little unhinged, amoral, and self-centered. Arguably one of the best Transformers Animated series to be made. Originally, Knock Out was relocated to Earth after being summoned by Starscream to aid the damaged Megatron. And although his reasons for joining the Autobots may not have been completely sincere, Optimus no less states that he is worthy of Primehood. Transformers: Prime is a computer animated robot superhero television series produced by Hasbro Studios and animated by Polygon Pictures.It is based on the Transformers toy and entertainment franchise originally created in the 1980s by Hasbro out of Takara's robot toys. At a certain point, Knock Out and Breakdown were stealing Energon cubes and Arcee was in pursuit of them until the air support Vehicons came and would have killed her if Ratchet had not intervened. Knock Out again retreated when Bumblebee, Arcee, & Optimus came. He was present when they were rendezvousing with the portal, but his Lord left and left him wondering if he was losing it. The crew was surprised to see Optimus as Orion come with Megatron. When Knock Out and Breakdown were searching through the platform for Bulkhead, who was in vehicle mode, the Autobot transformed when Knock Out was about to inspect him, then painted some of his mathematical (or possibly scientific) equations in white paint on Knock Out. Knock Out soon made a rival in the Autobot scout Bumblebee. This in turn causes the release of Airachnid and cutting the Vehicon forces in half as they were infected by Silas and became zombies as well.

Knock Out was born from a hot spot inside Navitas, one of the Titans who had left Cybertron to colonize other worlds. However, rather than being grumpy, Knock Out is incredibly vain, snobbish and sly. After Optimus, at the time going by his pre-Prime persona of Orion Pax, decoded three coordinates of Iacon relics found on Earth, he dispatched several of his troops to collect them. He takes little care of his patients and values his own splendid appearance over all else. Before Ratchet was able to punch him again, Megatron ripped the green Energon liquid out of him.
Megatron got assaulted slightly with energon leaking out of his mouth after Ratchet punched him in the face. Knock Out claims that he saw Ratchet for the first time saying he is a new Autobot. Starscream's exact words were "What good is a second in command who fails to watch the rear!" Knock Out is a medical officer and former member of the Decepticons. Later, Knock Out and Breakdown interfere with the Autobot's museum heist to take the Later, Knock Out participated in human street races, one such race resulting in him driving an opponent off the road for scratching his paint. he threw it against the rock-wall, shattering and destroying the container. Starscream disobeyed his orders to simply recover, and later Knock Out saw to him as Starscream claimed he had lost his arm and it was Knock Out's fault for not checking him thoroughly. He considers humans as nothing but bothersome, though he does admit that they do create some 'fine-looking automobiles', as well as enjoyable fiction, such as horror films revealed that he had watched at drive-in-theaters and has taken into some Earth customs as he wouldn't mind living there. He has a definite cruel streak and will gladly perform experiments on living prisoners without any moral qualms as shown when he grins nastily as Cylas is relegated to his dissection table stating that he believed his former partner would be amused. He also appears to see Optimus as a role model, which shows he knows who to look up to.

When Starscream announced his plans to use the warship as a way of fleeing Cybertron, Knock Out suggested they should try Earth, since Unicron was no longer present there. When Starscream yelled at Knock Out to shut up, Knock Out seemed hurt and could be seen thinking, probably about his place in the situation, as Starscream continued talking. He is also a scientist and inventor (though not so talented as Shockwave, of course). At a certain point, Knock Out and Breakdown were stealing Energon cubes and Arcee was in pursuit of them until the air support Vehicons came and would have killed her if Ratchet had not intervened. This outraged him. 1 #4 Despite his love of speed and a high self-regard for his aerodynamic design, Knock Out would find an unlikely Conjunx Endura in Breakdown, an atypically slow Velocitronian. Knockout collected the liquid back into a container, then battled Ratchet while trying to decapitate him. Knockout's main weakness is his vanity, after every engagement,he was also successfully tortured, merely by withholding oil-bath privileges. He gets very upset when his paint/finish is scratched or ruined and if someone defiles his paintwork, he will gladly do the same to the offender. Knock Out is the Decepticon's version of Ratchet and the only known Decepticon doctor. Megatron got assaulted slightly with energon leaking out of his mouth after Ratchet punched him in the face. To this end, Knock Out did his best to convince He subsequently informed Starscream that he was not yet leader, but still open to the idea of being a second-in-command. Knock Out again retreated when Bumblebee, Arcee, & Optimus came.He reported that the Space Bridge 2.0 was almost finished and joked on how he could hear Unicron's thoughts to Airachnid. Following Megatron's miraculous recovery, Knock Out was assigned to keep Starscream functional as Megatron punished him repeatedly for his duplicity- Starscream disobeyed his orders to simply recover, and later Knock Out saw to him as Starscream claimed he had lost his arm and it was Knock Out's fault for not checking him thoroughly. Knock Out and Breakdown were sent to steal a data cylinder which transferred all its data into Bulkhead by a laser due to Miko's clumsiness. He also is fairly polite and seems to enjoy it when others are polite to him.