As a design that has become part of your body, a tattoo can provide an easy way to remember the significance of the feather.It is also a very versatile design that can be adapted to many parts of the body. White Feathers. And since her death, I am certain that she uses them to send messages to me.

They are feathers from birds, however, they're highly symbolic of angels.So the first thing that you need to know about finding feathers as a sign from the angels, is that feathers are little symbols of angel wings.Feathers represent the ability angels have to fly through the higher dimensions.Angels are, of course, spiritual beings of light and love. It a sign of Blessings from the powers above you. But the wings angels are so commonly depicted with, are symbolic of their ability to fly.

A white feather may be a gift from your Angels, letting you know thatIt may also be a message of hope and comfort from them, reassuring you that every will turn out okay in the end.When she was alive, Caron told me that an isolated white feather was an angel’s calling card.

White Feathers; Finding a White feather was considered a very powerful sign. Finding a feather can be an uplifting, spiritual experience, especially when you find one in an unexpected place such as in your house or in your purse, where there isn't an easy way to explain its presence.

Similar to the blue feather, this is a sign that you should take some time to pause and reflect on yourself and your life, as well as the world around you. The most important question is ask is always, A sign or symbol is only as important as it is to the person who is experiencing it - what does it mean to you personally or how does it fit into what you are currently going through in your life?Like a bird that soars through the boundless sky and has a view of all things from high above, feathers symbolizeThey represent the freedom of your mind and heart and your ability to travel, change and move through life freely.In Native American or "American Indian" cultures, feathers have always been an integral part of sacred ceremonies.
Yes, you are a physical being, yes, you are hardwired and programmed to be focused in physical reality, but you can choose to learn to reconnect and to link with the higher dimensions to fly, to lift, to expand, to embrace the love and beauty and peace and wisdom and light of the higher spiritual realms.So when you find a feather, the meaning is not only a sign that your angels are with you, but it's also a call to tune in to the angelic energy around you, in the moment, and around you in every moment laying just beneath the surface of your normal waking mind and beckoning you to tune in…And so, to tune in to the presence of angels, quiet your mind, pause your thoughts, find the space between your thoughts and dive inward tuning into gold and white light in your mind… Letting that inner light expand, and illuminate you.Then tune into the light within your heart center, letting that light expand all around you, above, and below…Illuminating your central column, your Ascension pillar, your column of glory at the center of your being with golden and white light and just breathe and tune into the light.Observe, and know that when you are in this receptive state, with your central column of light ignited,  your vibration is raising and you are becoming a vibrational match with the energy and frequency of the higher angelic realm.When you just observe, when you're receptive without judging what appears, deeper levels of angelic guidance, love, healing, and frequency can flow in to uplift you.The level to which you're able to receive is directly correlated to your ability to not react. It has a feeling of the comforts of home, being cozy, safe and warm.A brown feather may be a reminder to keep a balanced perspective, to live life in moderation and to set healthy boundaries.It is a reminder that your Angels are here to shield and protect you, and to deflect negative energies from your life.A black feather is a reminder to take time for rest and that you are not alone.Finding a purple feather may be a message of encouragement to You may come across feathers of multiple colors - black and white feathers, brown and white feathers, red and black feathers or striped feathers.These special feathers are a sign of regeneration, or mystical realms and have a strong connection to the Angels.The feather is a powerful symbol for many people and one way to keep that symbol close to their minds and hearts is in the form of a tattoo.