When Lucy and Nana meet shortly afterward, Lucy tells Nana to do what she herself cannot: to return to the Kaede House and live happily with Kouta and the others, which Nana does.
The surviving clone, Barbara, shows up and fights with Nana.

Elfen Lied takes place in Kamakura, Japan, where a fictional mutant human sub-species, with violent telekinetic powers, has been discovered. When she is about to kill Nana, Kurama shoots the clone in the head and regains his sanity. Finding Kouta, Yuka and Nyu waiting for her, who then present Mayu with a small cake from the bakery — the woman at the bakery who provides Mayu with breadcrusts had saved it for her since it was her birthday. Mariko threatens to kill Nana, and Kurama raises his gun but is unable to shoot her. Known as a Diclonius… " You know who isn't human? In the hospital, Nousou removes the component in Barbara's forehead to see if they can truly coexist with humans, she cuts off his head and goes after Nana. Kurama sneaks up on the girls and fires, Aiko pushes Lucy out of the way and is shot.

Read this page at your own peril. When Kouta mused if Kanae would ever forgive him for what he said, Nyu copied Kanae's appearance of short hair and a bow and, on account of Kouta asking Nyu what she was up to, said, 'I'm Kanae!' They take her in, and become involved with the numerous, often brutal, attempts to recapture her by a Diclonii powers involve the use of invisible arms, known as "vectors", that can grasp and impact things as if they are solid, but also become insubstantial and pass through objects. In the series' final chapter, Wanta walks past a poster of Aiko, announcing her recent art exhibit, possibly implying that Kurama may have lied about Aiko's death. This manner of execution awakens Kouta's lost memories of how Lucy killed his family. In both the manga and the anime, Kouta and Yuka comment about how strange it was that her mother was so eager to abandon her own daughter and why she never notified the police that Mayu was missing. There Lucy apologizes and Kouta has her promise to never kill again, she does and goes to get an ambulance, but Kazuma is waiting for her and shoots at her. Ten years later, with the Diclonius menace eradicated, Kouta and Yuka are married and subsequently name their daughter Nyu.In the anime adaptation, Lucy assures Kouta that she can do so in five years, but refuses to because that would mean his death. Kouta seems to understand that something truly horrible must have happened to shape her into a cold-blooded killer and, while still stating he is unable to forgive her, Kouta professes his love for Lucy. She is only having fun, seeing killing as a game, and the pleasure she gets from it is equivalent to a child ripping the wings off of an insect or burning ants with a In order to keep Mariko under control, the research institute implanted bombs in her body during infancy; one is used to sever her right arm to bring her under control after she attacks and mortally wounds Saito, the scientist at the institute who acted as her foster mother. He turned his daughter Anna into a gigantic immobile creature with an extremely high intellect and the ability to predict the future. Elfen Lied is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Lynn Okamoto. Martin criticized the series for having "sub-par voice acting" in both the original Japanese audio track and the English dub of the series, although he gave it "A-" rating for both language dubs.On June 12, 2015, the Chinese Ministry of Culture listed This article is about the Japanese manga series. Unfortunately, the exhibit is closed at the time and Kurama and his group show up to catch the girls. However Nana saves him and in the last chapter they appear at a grave with Mariko's ashes, he with two arms (meaning he got a prosthetic as well), and it is revealed they are living together.After Lucy escapes, Bando is one of the SAT members sent to capture her. Nana and Mariko have purple and blond hair, respectively) while in the anime, the female Diclonii have a uniform red or pink hair and eye color. The next time Mayu is seen, she is happy and smiling. She demands to know why he allowed her to suffer in the institute her whole life, and becomes jealous when Nana calls Kurama "papa." She returns again in chapter 83, when her horns return even larger than before and her vectors are much longer (long enough to reach a flying helicopter) as she slaughters soldiers in front of Kouta. With her legs cut off, Mariko clings to Lucy as the bomb inside her detonates; this results in Lucy's horns being damaged and turning back into Nyu, as well as Mariko's death. Known as Diclonius, any person showing signs of the mutation have either been contained in the Diclonius research facility or exterminated. Lucy then says that he is not a Diclonius at all, as she does not sense him like the other Diclonii, and that his horns were just the result of an unrelated mutation. Lucy is suppressed by Nyu for a large portion towards the series' end, due to one of her horns being damaged, but reemerges in her second fight with Bando. Kurama keeps a picture of her (along with those of Nana and his deceased wife) on his desk, even after her death.