The 3-1 designation means the lightest color (60%) divided by the darkest (20%) is a ratio of 3-1. Each within themselves having different task and function areas.
Studies have shown that appropriate differences in luminous density can prevent eye fatigue and raise visual acuity, and thus also productivity. Color in Architecture is an online space not just for architects and designers, but for every keen observer of the material, experiential, built and natural environment. kareenpabayo Psychological influence, communication, information, and effects on the psyche are aspects of our perceptual judgment processes. Stress research has shown that states of sensory monotony or overstimulation can trigger dysfunction in the organism. A yellow wall at 60% is not a yellow anymore but a tan. Interesting fact is that if these rules were known by the design community, white walls would not exist – only ceilings are where 80-90% is accepted. [1]Describing the relationship of colors and the different features that govern them, or even the multitude of existing studies regarding these theories, is as complex as it is extensive. The eye sees luminous density and not the intensity of illuminance. One of the most striking results concerning color connotations and color mood associations is its consistency cross-culturally from one individual to another and group to group. Among innumerable examples, the following are standouts: the College in Alto de Pinheiros of the architects of Base Urbana + Pessoa Arquitetos; the In hospital projects or the field of health, colors are used as a complementary element for the rehabilitation of patients, such as in the In urban projects, colors are sometimes used to restore liveliness and to renovate deteriorated spaces, such as the Color is an integral element in architecture; it is not only important aesthetically, but it also has a great psycho-sensory importance. Humane design places the human being in the center of its concern and purpose. Without doubt, the assumption that color is no more than decoration and color specifications can be satisfied or solved by personal interpretations or the following of color trends and design idioms in current fashion is absolutely false and counterproductive. Lower light reflectance causes the pupil to dilate, and the reverse is true for higher reflectance. Obviously this is a very small example since all colors change their character when modified in their lightness factor (light to dark) and saturation. Luminous density is what the eyes receive when light is reflected from a surface (floors, walls, furniture). Use it wisely in your projects! Color is an integral element of our world, not just in the natural environment but also in the man-made architectural environment. I'm not sure - but I would hazard a guess that it is both. The impression of a color and the message it conveys is of utmost importance in creating the ps… These studies include the disciplines of psychology, architectural psychology, color psychology, neuropsychology, visual ergonomics, psychosomatics, and so forth. As noted by the Center for the Study of Art and Architecture, “the architect must consider the color effect of every element of a building's construction, from the earthy colors of primary construction materials like wood, stone, brick, and marble, to the expansive variety of colors available for paint, doors, windows, siding, and trim.”

Color is a sensory perception, and as any sensory perception, it has effects that are symbolic, associative, synesthetic, and emotional. Are you sure you want to block this user and hide all related comments throughout the site? According to Israel Pedrosa, "a colorful sensation is produced by the nuances of light refracted or reflected by a material, commonly the word color is designated to those shades that function as stimuli in a chromatic sensation." One of the most striking results concerning color connotations and color mood associations is its consistency cross-culturally from one individual to another and group to group. Scientific research has also established the link to PNI – Psycho-Neuro-Immunology which clearly shows that networks of nerve fibers and molecular bridges connect the psyche and the body with each other and that emotions penetrate completely into the cells of the organism. As Israel Pedrosa says in his book Da Cor à Cor Inexistente, "color has no material existence: it is only the sensation produced by certain nervous organizations under the action of light, with more precision, the action provoked by the action of the light on the organ of vision."
It can also provide a set of emotions or visual effects.If we create an environment with walls, floors, and neutral ceilings, when we apply certain colors on the different surfaces, we get different visual effects.

These being design goal considerations that demand adherence to protect human psychological and physiological well-being within their man-made environment. If you are looking to lower the height of the space or put the focus at the height of the observer's gaze, then painting all the surfaces at half height, and putting the darker tones on the upper surfaces gives us this desired effect.But colors do not exist without the presence of light.