Les temples décorés pour le festival de Vesak 2020 / Photo: Ivint. 0. Vesak Festival 2020. Your Excellency, Rohan Perera, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka, Your Excellency, Vitavas Srivihok, Permanent Representative of … Mais aussi l’accomplissement suprême de Siddharta Gautam en tant que Bouddha. C’est un signe de partage de joie et de paix avec les gens. The lighting signifies an offering to the memory of the Buddha who delivered the message of Dhamma. What will be covered today is the largest religious festival in Sri Lanka. Something wrong? Both religious and cultural, the festival adorns the country. Il est célébré le jour de Poya (la pleine lune) au mois de mai. People interested +24. That is religious and cultural festivals in Sri Lanka. Pour profiter au mieux de cette fête, il est conseillé d’aller Le festival Vesak, La plus grande fête bouddhiste : Vesak is viewed as a religious and additionally a social festival in Sri Lanka.Buddhists recognize the vital occasions that occurred in the life of Lord Buddha on this Vesak Full Moon Poya Day.To start with comes the introduction of Siddhartha Gautama in Lumbini in Nepal which occurred under the arbor of Sat trees where ruler Mahamaya brought forth him.

Vesak is viewed as a religious and additionally a social festival in Sri Lanka.Buddhists recognize the vital occasions that occurred in the life of Lord Buddha on this Vesak Full Moon Poya Day. Les bouddhistes commémorent tout d’abord, la naissance la naissance de Siddhartha Gautama à Lumbini au Népal. Dates May 07–08, 2020. Hi guys, hope you are doing well. Dans les temples, les bouddhistes adorent, offrent des fleurs, allument des cierges et brûlent de l’encens.Les bouddhistes portent généralement une robe blanche et vont aux temples et participent aux cérémonies traditionnelles. Vesak lanterns called Vesak koodu are lit in most of the homes in Sri Lanka on Vesak poya day. Last updated: Sep 20, 2019.

Tout d’abord, de nombreux temples sont remplis de fidèles et de pèlerins dans tout le pays pour marquer ce grand événement. The myriad of festivals celebrated in the country is a wonderful chance to experience the diverse culture and rich tapestry of the local lifestyle. asia Sri Lanka. août 16, 2020 - dim. Actual prices will be informed by the connected travel agentGreat! They likewise wear white attire and light lights amid the functions.The priests will give extraordinary showing sessions, fans will stay at the sanctuary throughout the day to re-devote themselves to Buddha's lessons and recount Buddhist verses. To start with comes the introduction of Siddhartha Gautama in Lumbini in Nepal which occurred under the arbor of Sat trees where ruler Mahamaya brought forth him. Le jour de la fête du Nouvel An à la mi-Avril ainsi que pour la fête de Vesak, les jours fériés sont de deux jours. 0. In ancient times, people used their clay oil lamps for illumination. As it is for the most part a religious occasion, for faithful Buddhists, religious observances frame the fundamental exercises of the celebration.Colombo Caves & Kandy Festival - 8 days - On The Go Tours5 Facts About Sri Lanka Beaches That You Must Know Before You Plan Your Next Visit5 Famous Beaches In Sri Lanka For A Perfect Beach VacationThe Only Guide You Need To Visit The Best Beaches In Sri LankaEverything You Need To Know About Sri Lanka NightlifeThe prices are only tentative and includes cost of flights too. De nombreuses associations organisent des compétitions sur des lanternes Vesak.En ce jour saint, le « Dana » (la charité) joue un rôle important. Previous Years. Gerald Pereira. Dans les temps anciens, les gens utilisaient leurs lampes à huile d’argile pour s’éclairer. Sri Lanka is a melting pot of cultures. You will likewise see the banner of Buddhism flying over every sanctuary. Buddhist admirers will be seen going to nearby sanctuaries all finished Sri Lanka, and some will go to far off parts of the island to go to unique sanctuaries where they offer blooms and incense. (En 2020, vesak sera célébré le jeudi 7 mai 2020).

27/06/2017 26/06/2019 Dinuka 0 Comments Colombo, Religious Festival.