The chief products include gold, the yield of which in the year named amounted to $18,834,490; silver, yield of in 1902, 4,291,317 ounces, valued at $2,238,351; coal, which yielded a value of $15,957,946; copper, $5,728,261; nickel, $5,002,204; Portland cement, $1,090,842; lead, $762,660; coke, $1,663,725: iron ore, $922,571; asbestos, $891,033; petroleum, $922,672; and pig iron, $707,838.

It is bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean, on the west by Alaska and the Pacific Ocean, on the south by the United States, and on the east by the Atlantic Ocean. Next, the Shubenacadie Canal connecting Halifax with the Bay of Fundy. The valley of the Thames together with the rich alluvial flats which extend from it northward to the north branch of Bear Creek, and southward nearly to the shore of Lake Erie, is remarkable for its great fertility, and luxuriant forest growth. Its greatest elevation on the Canadian side (the Shickshock Mountains on the Gaspe peninsula), is about 4,000 feet. Between these mountains and the Pacific coast, are the Selkirk Mountains, the Gold Range, the great central hilly plateau or table land, and the Coast or Cascade Range. Those on the Ottawa and Rideau rivers, including the Rideau, Grenville, Perth, and Carillon system, are 29 miles in length, with 59 locks.

Some example are: Bedo ap Batho ap Heylin (Welsh: Bedo, son of Batho, son of Heylin), which would become Bedo Batho; Lars Andersen (Scandianvian), Andrew MacDonald (Scottish: Andrew son of Donald) and Henry fil. The highest Court of Canada, the Supreme Court, comprises a Chief Justice and 5 Puisne Judges, and sits at Ottawa. The climate of Quebec is altogether one of the healthiest under the sun, as well as one of the most pleasant to live in. The majority of maps cover Britain and Ireland.A dictionary of law terminology from earliest times.A guide to tracing ancestors who practiced medicine in several English-speaking countries.CANADA, THE DOMINION OF, a Federal Union of Provinces and Territories, comprising all the British possessions in North America, except the Island of Newfoundland. The number of public and other schools in the Dominion was 29,542. the total annual expenditure on which was in 1901, $11,240,711. Its area is 3,745,574 square miles, or, including its water areas, 901,806,879 acres.Face of the Country.—It is but natural to suppose that in such a vast extent of country there is every variety of surface—mountain, plateau and valley. The Census returns for 1901 indicate that the Dominion possessed in that year a total of 1,577,493 horses (including working and other horses and breeding mares); 2,408,677 milch cows and 3,167,734 other horned cattle; 2,511,239 sheep; 2,353,838 swine; 16,562,084 hens and chickens; 1,360,574 turkeys, geese, ducks, and other fowl; and 189,986 hives of bees. The Gatineau, the Keepawa, the Mattawa, the Mistassini, the Churchill, the Dumoine, the Miramichi, the Restigouche, the St. John, the Avon, the Clyde, the Grand, the Trent, the Nipigon and the Stickeen, are all important rivers, and the Great Bear, Great Slave, Manitoba, Lake of the Woods, Mistassini, St. John, Nipigon, and Nipissing are all magnificent lakes.The great Laurentian lakes, five in number (Ontario, Erie, Huron, Michigan, and Superior, though Michigan entirely, and all the others in part, are within the boundaries of the United States) form, with their connecting rivers, a complete system of navigation from the head of Lake Superior to the Atlantic Ocean, a distance of 2,384 miles. The Supreme Court of Judicature consisting of two permanent divisions called respectively the High Court of Justice for Ontario and the Court of Appeal for Ontario. The principal trees of British Columbia are the Douglas pine. Forebears knowns about 859,645 unique surnames in Canada and there are 43 people per name. : product in 1901, 220,833,269 lbs. miles in extent, not including areas known, but as yet undeveloped, in the far north. Though it is not possible to prove the origin of most surnames, it is possible to make educated guesses in some cases.A surname's origin is influenced by the progenitor's social class and the culture they lived in. The advance is specially shown in the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec, and in Manitoba and the Northwest Territories. In the successive elections which had been held during the preceding years, it was found that the hostile majority from either Province in the Legislature had increased rather than diminished. The seat of Government was at once removed to Toronto, and it was arranged to hold the sessions of the legislature for four years alternately in Toronto and Quebec. These names were not necessarily hereditary, but were dictated by circumstance.

Surnames beginning with the letter "A": It was a line, 16 miles in length, from Laprairie on the St. Lawrence to St. Johns. Other than Indonesia it is found in 3 countries. miles), Manitoba and Winnipegosis; Great Bear Lake (11,200 sq. The Canadian delegates proposed a further Conference to consider the possibility of a Federal Union, which was agreed to, and the Conference adjourned to meet again at Quebec on the 10th of October. In Indonesia it is most common in: West Java, where 72 percent are found and East Java, where 28 percent are found. It contains records of crew members, masters, and ship owners for vessels registered in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island.A searchable database of linked genealogies compiled from thousands of reputable and not-so-reputable sources. This system being attended with much inconvenience, Parliament resolved on a permanent site, but, being unable to agree on one, left the selection in the hands of the Queen, who, in 1858, fixed on Ottawa. The Code Civil de Quebec now supersedes all but the English and Statutory Criminal Law. The soil is generally clay, with a happing of rich vegetable mould, and is covered in the natural state with elm. ; in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, sawn lumber, ships, cotton and woollen goods, boots and shoes, furniture, leather, nails, machinery, gunpowder, paper, steam engines, locomotives, etc. For some time these efforts were unsuccessful, and the fierceness of the struggle greatly excited the colony. The first Legislature of Nova Scotia met in 1758.