Understanding is a crucial step to solving any dilemma. There are three types of emotion regulation 1. You can examine this universe of emotions, and see what planet you’re currently on. As a multi-cultural therapist, this model can assist me to understand our emotions. The Three-Circle Model explained The Three-Circle Model shows three interdependent and overlapping groups: family, ownership and business. CFT is based on evolutionary psychology and the latest neuroscience of emotions – It teaches practical skills to help people bring into balance the brain’s three emotional systems so they can self-soothe and deal with difficult emotions such as Anger, Shame, Anxiety, Fear, Depression, and Self-Criticism.

The two parameters are valence (describing a situation as unpleasant or enjoyable), and control/power (looking at whether or not the individual has high or low control over the situation, and it’s outcomes).Another big difference between the two is the intensity of the emotions. Instead of trying to suppress, reject, or ignore emotions, people learn how to express and share them in a constructive way, as well as analyze the role they play in one’s life. It’s especially useful for moments of intense feeling and when the mind cannot remain objective as it operates from an impulsive “fight or flight” response. (Games, Cartoons + Toys)This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged..

Great chart, thanks.Thank you so much!

While it’s true that there are more negative emotions (shame, fear, sadness, anger, disgust) than positive ones (happiness, surprise/interest), both are vital for our survival.That’s because our real emotions help us get what we really want. A first step on this journey is to understand why our emotions can be so difficult and why this is not our fault. Very helpful in seeing the three systems. (Affective Sciences, 2017)While both wheels focus on emotions and their intensities, the GEW uses a different approach. That’s from my emergency readiness training :0)There’s is some similarities and for sure some differences for its use among the ethnic groups. We get angry, frustrated, irritated and then find ourselves engaging in behavior or interacting with friends and family in a way that’s, shall we say, less than productive.These patterns of reacting to external triggers (people, places and things) and internal triggers (thoughts, feelings, sensations) when activated over and over again become habits.

How would this happen and “simultaneously”, what is the arrows indicating is that “something” happens, am I missing something from theVid? Dysfunction is said to come about because of limited flexibility, or over-use of one system to the detriment of others. With a wheel of emotions, the client can browse the various emotions and pinpoint the specific ones they’re experiencing.By examining the primary emotions, one can start to consider what sparks the stimuli, how the emotion is expressed (it’s physical and mental aspects), and the actions it propels one to take. Threat focused - seeks to protect us and keep us safe. Are they close to the same size and in balance? Saved by The Collective Journey. (Feel free to make a copy of this to share).Sharing Dr. Gilbert’s three circles model could be a good way to help clients become more aware of when they are in a state of threat. so that our unpleasant emotions are easier to regulate, and our positive and pleasant emotions are easier to generate.

My off schedule doesn’t allow me to watch any of them to participate. This then helps them discover what primary emotions they are feeling, as well as how emotions combine to create secondary emotions like awe, remorse, aggression, optimism, etc. For both theoretical and practical reasons researchers define emotions according to one or more dimensions. Ads a summary, it helps in the following four ways:Walking around with a mind full of confusion and uncertainty can make anyone feel sad or overwhelmed.

I was looking for this information and graphic online but couldn’t find one I could print and use with clients so this is wonderful!Thank you so much! It will be very helpful in my sessions with clients. Nevertheless a helpful graphic.Oxytocin is indeed a hormone. It’s about monitoring the internal universe and recognizing what is being experienced at that time.Once the emotion is identified, the body moves into action. For example, facial expression, such as smiling or frowning, body postures, such as opening the arms or raising the fists, and changes in the voice, such as raised pitch, can be observed in emotional situations” (Pekrun & Linnenbrink-Garica 2, 2014).Once we objectify and understand the emotions, we can empathesize with ourselves, and channel our focus in the direction of emotions we actually want to feel.Emotions influence our health, performance, well-being, motivation, sense of fulfillment, and decision-making skills. Determining how big each of their circles is will also show them what part of their emotional “landscape” needs to be more balanced. (Pico, 2016)The eight primary emotions that he identified, which are the basis for all others, are grouped into polar opposites:Looking at the wheel we can notice three main characteristics:The beauty of this tool is in its ability to simplify complex concepts. It’s important to understand and manage them.“events in one’s life, whether good or bad, are caused by controllable factors such as one’s attitude, preparation, and effort” (Grinnell, 2016). The fourth example describes several appraisals of the situation, including goal frustration (I am not prepared) and lack of power (I do not have enough time).