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This is because when they are produced they very quickly decay, or transform, into lighter leptons.

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The tau, which he found in the mid-1970s, was the first evidence of a third “generation” of fundamental particles, the existence of which proved essential for completing the so-called standard model of particle physics.

…relative of the electron—called the tau—was involved.
Science writer.

Sometimes the tau lepton will decay into a quark, an antiquark, and a tau neutrino. Author of

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Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.The tau was discovered through observations of its decay to muons and to electrons in the mid-1970s by a group led by

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The heavier leptons, the muon and the tau, are not found in ordinary matter at all.
The tau was discovered through observations of its decay to muons and to electrons in the mid-1970s by a group led by Martin Perl at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in California.

Electrons and the three kinds of neutrinos are stable and thus the types we commonly see around us.

Observations of the

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Tau Particle Sent Through the Earth Found. Perl was jointly…

In the example of the muon’s decay, the Theory does not require the mass of neutrinos to be any specific amount, and in the past it was assumed to be zero.

Perl named the new particle, the third charged lepton, after the Greek letter that begins the word third.

Perl and Frederick Reines of the University of California, Irvine, shared the 1995 Nobel Prize for Physics for their contributions to the physics of the lepton class of elementary particles, to which the tau belongs.… The Unlike the charged leptons, the electrically neutral leptons, the Although electrically neutral, the neutrinos seem to carry an identifying property that associates them specifically with one type of charged lepton.

Because the tau is heavy, it can also decay into particles containing quarks. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox.

The tau, with a mass of 1,777 MeV, is even heavier than the proton and has a very short lifetime of about 10 Your preference has been recorded

…particle that he named the tau, a massive lepton with a negative charge. That means the high-energy particles can only be detected coming “down” from space, but the team’s ANITA detected heavier particles, so … ... that they were able to identify tau particles sent through the ground for the first time ever.

Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.Probably the most-familiar subatomic particle is the The electron, with a mass of 0.511 megaelectron volts (MeV; 10There is a third, heavier type of charged lepton, called the tau. The tau can decay into a muon, plus a tau-neutrino and a muon-antineutrino; or it can decay directly into an electron, plus a tau-neutrino and an electron-antineutrino.

Research Associate, Department of Nuclear Physics, University of Oxford.