Parallel to the downward movement of universal growth – of the endless physical expansion of the universe – there exists an upwards movement towards consciousness, for which a minority of conscious individuals is indispensable. While Freud formulated psychoanalysis through his own observation and Darwin formulated evolution through his own studies, Gurdjieff’s system could not have been conceived by a single man or even a group of people, for its purpose would instantly be defeated. Know Thyself, normally ascribed to Socrates, actually originates from the earliest recorded teachings. It is an effort to be aware of oneself in the present, to break away from whatever imaginary world one may have delved in a moment ago and return to reality. It was first taught in England in the 1920s by P.D. The Fourth Way provides a path to wisdom and enlightenment for ‘householders’, ordinary people living in the world today.

This householder’s way has existed since time immemorial.

“Knowledge means knowing all,” said Gurdjieff, quoting an ancient aphorism: “Knowing a part means not knowing. In order to know anything, man must first know himself.Another objective aspect of the Fourth Way was Unity and Multiplicity. While Gurdjieff could have claimed exclusivity to the knowledge that only he seemed to possess, he didn’t, and for a specific reason.

The Fourth Way is a way – a path.

It doesn’t belong to anyone, hasn’t originated from anyone and, therefore, will not end with the death of anyone.Accordingly, Gurdjieff presented his system, not as his own invention, but as an ancient tradition.

This is a crucial point to bear in mind when approaching the Fourth Way, because in our age, it is naturally associated with the man who presented it in the twentieth century. (From As Above so Below implies that it is impossible to study man without studying the universe, and it is impossible to study the universe without studying man. To know all, one must know very little. He is generally not meant to evolve spiritually, but serves organic purposes, for which his normal undeveloped condition is sufficient. Hence, the Fourth Way is organic: a formulation of the basic laws that govern man, nature and the universe.Another formula – Know thyself – is full of particularly deep meaning and is one of the symbols leading to the knowledge of truth. The fundamental laws of triads and octaves that penetrate everything should be studied simultaneously both in the world and in man. Ouspensky. Man does not evolve solely for his own benefit. The Fourth Way is a guide for those who seek a true way of inner growth under conditions open to the men and women of today.

It flatters none.

The 'Fourth Way' is the name given to the philosophy introduced to the West by G.I. The study of the world and the study of man will assist one another.

It is not for all.

Objective knowledge means knowledge of the objective principles that govern the universe.

Yet based on the above Hermetic principles, man’s self-ignorance stands at the basis of his ignorance of everything. The Fourth Way is the most comprehensive statement thus far published of the ideas taught by the late P.D. In this respect, the Fourth Way follows the Hermetic principle of As above so below and as within so without: it outlines the fundamental laws that govern any cosmos, and thereby sheds light onto the micro-cosmos man. Self-knowledge is not flattering, and man will tend to study anything but himself.

All four lead to the same end: awakening of consciousness, becoming real, being able to We will not expound on the three ways to avoid straying from our main focus.