According to some research, many believe that it’s due to a more personal story.After World War I, residents became extremely self-sufficient and valued their green spaces much more than they ever did, learning to grow their own foods — which is a trend that has been passed down through the generations.With the rise in electric vehicles, Berlin has installed more than 400 charging points across the city and has encouraged citizens to think about changing vehicle type. Efforts to meet future needs include a variety of Internet-based innovations aimed at managing water challenges such as flood control, rainwater management, supply distribution, pipe leakage reduction and sanitation management.Urban trees help reduce temperature extremes, moderate stormwater surges, sequester carbon and capture nutrients from runoff. Melbourne is boosting interest in and appreciation for urban forests by inviting its residents to adopt and name individual trees and share updates, including carbon offset and other information, via social media.People-powered transit not only helps make cities cleaner and less congested, it also can boost human health and well-being. Ten Sustainable Ideas to Transform Cities. Vancouver, Glasgow, New York and others are tackling this head-on by repurposing and densifying use of existing urban land rather than building out, and by designing buildings in a way that allows them to switch functions — for example, from a theater to a night club — as needs change.Clean, readily available water supplies are a growing concern for growing cities. 50 ideas for sustainable cities. by using a combination of river water for pre-cooling and waste heat from an incineration plant to drive its absorption chillers, gothenburg substantially lowered CO2 emissions compared to conventional cooling methods.

These cities are inhabited by people whom are dedicated towards minimizing required inputs of energy, water, food, waste, output of heat, air pollution - CO 2, methane, and water pollution. Similarly, self-driving vehicles and car sharing can boost efficiency by maximizing use of vehicles and reducing need for space to park idle ones.The Colombian city of Medellin, once considered one of the world’s most dangerous cities, has been transformed by a focus on architecture and design. In the future we will have overpopulated the world multiple times over and then building layers upon layers on top of the cities as we need more space. Not only this, but residents aren’t seeing the need for personal cars and are opting to share with one another in a bid to save the planet.making it to number three on our list is Stockholm. Please send an email to Images and other visuals are not included in this license. The targets include improving energy efficiency by 35 percent, ensuring 80 percent of its buildings are certified green, and having 80 percent of households be within a 10-minute walk to a train station. For the latest in smart city news, check out the new Bring your Design and Technology lessons to life by challenging your class to plan their own sustainable city. But how has it done this?Believe it or not, 25% of workers in the city commute by bike, carpool or public transport, which is showing great benefits to the environment. CONTINUE TO SITE ➞ By 2040, Reykjavik plans on eliminating their production of greenhouse gas emissions by not only promoting walking and cycling, but also the use of public transport.The reason behind the promotion of public transport is that the city has aims to continue introducing hydrogen buses and only 4% of people use them anyways.