The present simplified rel...Vibrational relaxation of nitrogen in a two-dimensional nozzle flow is Jump To Ratings. This scheme eliminates the time step restrictions associated with the arbitrarily small control volumes that can result when the surface cuts the Cartesian control volumes. Part of that also involves ensuring that our students have agreat experience here.

Low drag and efficient directional control are essential for the success of aircraft, atmospheric entry vehicles, missiles, and other vehicles in supersonic and hypersonic flight. Avg GPA. GSGC also provides paid research fellowships to Georgia Tech graduate students to work closely with faculty, as well as sponsors programs that provide hands-on engineering internships to Atlanta-area high school students. He is developing novel approaches which allow for Navier-Stokes simulations using a purely Cartesian grid solver. At Stanford, my advisor was even more independent, and I think that can work, too, if you are self-motivated.

Inviscid...In this work, a novel technique called normal ray refinement (NRR) is developed, implemented and investigated. Synthetic holograms...Although the Landau-Teller vibrational model accurately predicts vibrational excitation process in post-shock and compressing flows, it under-predicts the rate of de-excitation in cooling and expanding flows. The 23-year veteran faculty member joins an AE School leadership team that also includes associate chair for administration & finance, Prof. Jeff Jagoda, and Dr. Ruffin is director of NASA's Georgia Space Grant Consortium (GSGC) and is a former two-term national chair of the Council of Space Grant Directors.

The experimental data are compared with two multitemperature nonequilibrium calculations, one based on the Landau-Teller model for vibrational relaxation, t...Thesis (Ph. To...The concept studied during the summer NASA/ASEE Fellowship provides a means of lowering drag and a means for directional control of supersonic and hypersonic vehicles. A coupled set of vibrational transit...A number of experiments in nozzles have indicated that the Landau-Teller vibrational relaxation model fails to accurately predict the relaxation process in expanding flows. That includes publishing papers and going to conferences where you will find out about cutting-edge research and get a new perspective on your work. 1987Princeton University - Mechanical and … And that’s where we want you to be.Yes. It is designed to be beneficial at conditions in which the leading edge is significantly blunted and...Artificially blunted leading edges created by the use of a Bow-through channel sized to choke at supersonic conditions have been shown to be effective in significantly reducing drag in high-speed flow over blunted airfoils, Results of the work to apply the concept to blunted sphere-cones and the use of a channel at a leading edge to enhance lift ar...Sonic boom signatures and aerodynamic drag from several configurations in supersonic free- flight at near sea level conditions have been recorded at the NASA Ames Research Center aeroballistic range. I think that’s an important quality for graduate students.

Rate Professor Ruffin. Rated by 3 students. See professors ratings and read course reviews about professor Stephen Ruffin's classes at Georgia Tech (GT). Email:

These two or three sub-systems are solved simultaneously using a t...In this paper, a solution adaptive Cartesian grid solver is developed for 2-D, inviscid perfect gas/equilibrium flows.