Oliver fired an arrow at the pilot, which opened up at the end to reveal a ball, hitting the man in the face. Believing he is the murderer, Roy revealed to the rest of the team and Laurel. When Roy later met with Captain Lance, he initially used a voice modulator but Lance was able to use his past experiences with Roy to figure out his identity.

However, John Diggle appeared to him and asked that he return as there is a crisis coming and they need his help to stop it, Roy later explained why he left Thea in the first place and how the bloodlust will come back if he re-joined team arrow. She later came back to apologize, but Roy was kidnapped by Roy stole a police radio and waited until the dispatch mentioned the vigilante. Roy then kills Gabe Vincent, a police officer. Roy restrained the criminal while Oliver talked to Laurel.
After much persuasion Roy agreed to go with Diggle but clearly stated it was a one time thing and after the When Roy and William dug up a grave that turned out to have one of Oliver's old bows in it, Roy found a note in the bow which said "The Mark of Four" (during season 5 of Arrow, Rene Ramirez, Dinah Drake, Curtis Holt and Roy Harper made a pact that they will all carry the same mark and shall come to the aid of any of the others should they ask for, this came to be known as the Mark of Four) which slightly discomforted him.

Oliver proceeded to stab an arrow into the plane, which exploded and Oliver and Roy jumped inside. ehemaliger Kleinkrimineller

But when he arrived at The Hood's supposed location, he instead found squad cars waiting for him. Roy kicked Hogue in the face to shake him off, causing the latter to plummet to his death.Roy would request to Felicity to reconfigure their phone system before discovering Sara had been murdered. He was then pulled away to learn that When Roy woke up, he went on a Mirakuru-induced rampage across town. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. When Oliver and Roy found When Thea found out Malcolm drugged her into killing Sara, Roy comforted her and to help her get through it, he revealed to her that he killed a cop while under the influence of Mirakuru.

In den folgenden Wochen versucht er mit der Unterstützung von Felicity, Diggle, Sara und Oliver weiter seine Kräfte zu kontrollien. Juni 1941 in Rusholme, England) ist ein britischer Singer-Songwriter. He also decides to blame every single member of the … So seeing him included as one of the patients of Sanctuary, a mental health and counseling center for superheroes was unexpected, but understandable. When Felicity found no traces of the serum in his blood, Roy revealed to Felicity of his nightmares. He grew up in The Glades and had a rough life, having to partake in minor criminal acts to survive. Detective Lance began processing his arrest, but soon let him go when he realized that he'd been working with the Arrow, just like the detective. He was often arrested for obstruction by the police as a result.

Roy visited Thea at Verdant where he offered to help. Harpers musikalische Wurzeln liegen in der Skiffle-Musik und im Blues. Officers Once Roy recovered from his injuries, he and Thea decided to leave Star City and start a new life together. Roy later confessed to Thea that he wanted to find the Hood, because he felt he owed him.During the evacuations caused by the Undertaking, Thea saved Roy from being shot.

When Oliver informed Nyssa and the team that Thea is Malcolm's daughter, Roy seemed distraught. Despite his initial dislike of At first, Roy did not get along with Oliver at all to the point of being hostile and rude towards him; due to the fact that he believed that the latter is nothing more than a coward, after discovering Oliver is the Arrow, Roy gained a lot of respect for the latter, even humbly thanking Oliver for saving his life and making him realize he could rise above his circumstances in the Glades. Thea questioned him about the guns, but he claimed it was an old part of his life. John Diggle's father - Killed during a Marine Corps mission.