In particular: In preparing these Half Year Condensed Financial Statements, the significant estimates and judgements made by management in applying the Group's accounting policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same as those that applied to the Group Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2019. We have now appointed 7 key members of the executive team and many of their direct reports.

Included within income tax expense is a £2 million tax credit for these exceptional costs.Other adjusting items of £41 million relate to the amortisation of certain intangible assets recognised as a result of the acquisition of MJN. Profit before income tax As disclosed in note 2, the annual financial statements of the group are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU and are also in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Sexual health and well-being are big societal issues that are growing demand for effective protection and related products. SVP, Investor Relations

reported operating margin of 23.1% (H1 2019: 22.5%).

- Infant and Child Nutrition (IFCN) Cash and cash equivalents The SRF was mainly funded by the HS companies, through a government levy authorised by the HS Law. In this respect, the Purpose, Fight and Compass are very Richard Broadbelt for and on behalf of These facilities were undrawn at period-end and are not subject to renewal until 2022 onwards. Commenting on the first half of 2020, Laxman Narasimhan, Chief Executive Officer, said: FX forward exchange contract derivatives This reflected the strong free cash flow generation in H1 2020 of £1,902m offset by dividend payments of £732m and foreign exchange movements on foreign currency denominated debt of £595m. Our Hygiene and base Health businesses have both performed well, with strong volume growth in challenging circumstances. For the six months ended 30 June 2020 group adjusted operating profit was £1,696m (H1 2019: £1,475m) with a >4% of NR for 2021/22 Exceptional items within discontinued operations relate to the current year charge of the settlement amount for US Department of Justice ("DoJ") and the US Federal Trade Commission. The following section should be read in conjunction with the condensed financial statements and the adjusted and other non-GAAP measures, definitions and terms section. We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: In addition, the 2026 and 2030 bonds were swapped from fixed to floating rate, with the 2032 bond remaining at fixed rate with a 1.750% coupon. Diluted earnings per share (EPS) from The Group remains compliant with its banking covenants. RB has consistently communicated its intention to use its strong cash flow for the benefit of Shareholders. These estimated costs are incremental to our planned investments and we expect them to continue in the foreseeable future. Our review has been undertaken so that we might state to the company those matters we are required to state to it in this report and for no other purpose. We currently expect the amendment to take effect in late September 2020. In May 2020, the Group issued two €850m bonds due in 2026 and 2030 and one £500m bond due in 2032, for total proceeds (net of issue fees) of £1,969m. Within this, we delivered improved estimated underlying growth of 3-4%, together with an estimated 9-10% tailwind from COVID- 19 related volume demand, partially offset by the deferral of net revenue for certain shipments of 1.4%. million (31 December 2019: £126 million) in relation to historic regulatory matters in a number of markets, including the HS issue in South Korea (see note 11). Financial information on an adjusted basis is consistent with how management reviews the business for the purpose of making operating decisions. As a result, we are already executing our plan and making progress during this transformational year - one that lays the foundations for our success in the future; investing in our people, brands and operations, improving delivery performance and increasing productivity. While uncertainties remain for the second-half of the year, on both the public health and economic fronts, we have increased confidence in the successful delivery of our medium term goals."

It will be paid on 29 September 2020 to shareholders who are on the register on 21 August 2020. Total comprehensive income Foreign currency translation reserve What makes RB distinctive is that the functionality of many of our brands authentically serve a large social cause - be it in hygiene, over the counter health, sexual well-being or nutrition - and operate at the frontlines to give our consumers a better life. Attributable to owners of the parent company