The reason is that each has its strengths.SOSTAC® is structured around process covering all stages of creating and implementing your plan including goal-setting, strategy, implementation, and review.RACE Planning is structured around the many activities in the modern marketing funnel designed to define online and offline tactics to engage audiences to get results.So, you can see that the strength of SOSTAC® as a general planning framework is also a weakness; it doesn’t apply specifically to the multichannel marketing communications needed to engage an audience through an engagement funnel.To make sure your multichannel marketing plan has all the essential features, I recommend the SOSTAC® structure developed by PR Smith—Dave Chaffey’s co-author of the printed book Digital Marketing Excellence.SOSTAC® is a great framework for structuring business, marketing, or digital marketing plans since it’s relatively simple and logical, so it’s easy to remember and to explain to colleagues or agencies. To allow businesses to easily follow the ‘multi communication-channels’ strategy, new platforms have emerged to offer an all-in-one comprehensive support.

Throughout her career, she has built a strong personal and professional brand predicated on excellent customer relationship management and communication, complex problem solving, change management, and product and sales strategy among others. That’s when Jason King, President of the Homeowner’s Association Board at Treillis Fifth Avenue, found Parcel Pending smart lockers,  and the solution to their package problems.As higher education has became more of a commodity, institutions have had to compete to get students to matriculate. If your organization has established a digital marketing plan, for example, it should not be used in isolation, but used to inform the multichannel marketing planning process.This Quick Win will show you all the planning activities and outputs you need to create for a comprehensive, effective multichannel plan.Your multichannel marketing plan should set out campaigns that span multiple channels, catering to the customer, and tailoring them to fit multiple channels. All-in-one platforms offer: While SMEs need to adapt to a quickly evolving market in order to survive, one of the biggest risks organizations face when adopting a multichannel approach to business communications is time wasting. Managing a Multichannel Communications Strategy If you went back thirty years, business communications were relatively straightforward. Even more importantly, the teams at these communities were required to spend more-and-more time managing packages, rather than attending to other resident needs.Cortland executives believed electronic parcel lockers could be the solution to their package management challenge.Trellis Fifth Avenue staff struggled to keep up with the pileup of packages, which were often stolen. A multichannel marketing plan strategically connects multiple channels into one, thriving, multi-channel communications approach.This download and our other free templates is for anyone who wants to improve their knowledge of marketing planning with a few to gaining more senior roles.The key to a successful multichannel marketing plan is integration; a common challenge that most marketers face. Start your Digital Marketing Plan today with our Free membership.Every step of international marketing needs to be considered carefully because your customers overseas have very different requirements Proving a big success nationally can make business owners hungry to expand further and while approaching the international market is something many …..How companies communicate with customers has always been important, and the introduction of new technologies only makes the process more complex The pace of innovation continues to drive new options for reaching customers, and savvy business leaders know that to thrive …..The promise of omnichannel was that people would connect to a brand digitally or physically and then feel continuity in each subsequent interaction. Instead, a centralized process should integrate directly into their existing communication strategy, empowering them to contend with whichever communication method or format they choose. Multichannel marketing is the process of utilizing online and offline marketing communications channels to target and engage with your customers. By increasing visibility, reducing the risk of blunders and Global Product Marketing Manager, Business Process AutomationPayal Khandhedia is a Global Product Marketing Manager at Quadient focusing on business process automation.