He continues to maintain a close relationship with the Host Club members even in the future, especially with Tamaki and Haruhi, being the first to congratulate them when they have children and visits often. A special chapter released in July 2011 in Lala revealed how he met Mei: when he is a first-year undergraduate business student at Ouran University, the twins send Kasanoda to Mei as a replacement model for her fashion show (they were originally the ones who were going to model). While not above manipulating them for her own reasons, she appreciates the boys' protectiveness and their genuine desire to "make every girl happy." The loli-boy, who had been wanting to embrace that part of himself for quite a while, is thankful and touched by Tamaki's acceptance of his true self, much like Mori does.

As she starts living in the same residence as her grandson, Shizue is slowly charmed by his extravagant, yet kind self. Youngest member of the Zuka Club's leading council, Hinako TsuwabukiHaruhi's stubborn self-reliance causes her father to worry about her a lot; he would like to be more involved in her life and do more for her, but she rarely lets him. Yasuchika Haninozuka, affectionately nicknamed "Chika" in the anime, is Honey's younger brother and appears to be his polar opposite. In the omake that follow the conclusion of the manga, Haruhi still cannot commit fully to the relationship because of their ages, but eventually, they marry, as seen in an omake set two years after the close of the manga. She is astute in gauging other people's motives and her ability to see people's true intentions through their artifice is the main reason others are drawn to her. Although he is rarely seen entertaining guests of the Host Club, preferring to taking notes on meeting events, he has his admirers and is considered the cool "glasses" type.Kyoya lives with his father, a wealthy and powerful Kyoya, unlike the rest of the Host Club, stays in the United States after their joint year in Boston. Often, they view Honey as a kid, but are still fearful and respectful of him, as demonstrated when the twins and Tamaki both cower in fear at Honey's bad temper upon waking up and finding his bunny dirty. The twins dote on her. However, when Kirimi is chased by a cat outdoor, Umehito braves himself to rescue her and reveals his true appearance to Kirimi beneath the black wig and hood, although he immediately collapses shortly after. He has a child sister named Kirimi who is afraid of the dark and is under the impression that he is a monster due to his dark clothing. They meet when she trips over Usa-chan and Honey offers his hand to help her up, thus displaying the first nice action any human being has done for her in a long time. According to the author, if she had allotted forty pages for the first chapter of the manga instead of fifty, she would have cut Kyoya from the cast, but is glad this did not happen as "since the rest of the members are the way they are, he is invaluable for maintaining order and offering explanations.

In the anime, Yuzuru's personality is quite different, since his true personality had not been revealed at the time the anime aired. Ever since that incident, though, his desire to have friends is fulfilled when everyone in the Host Club, hosts and customers, agree to become his friends. Despite his cute nature, he wakes up in the same manner as Kyoya, though he is much quicker when dealing with the person that wakes him up, as seen in the example of the U.S. platoon soldier who did so when the Haninozuka family visited America. They eventually becomes friends, despite his being initially intimidated by her brashness and argumentative nature (he himself comments that she seems more like a yakuza than he does, at least in her use of profanity), what he sees as her excessive amounts of makeup, and her style of dressing. Because of this, and as a result of Tamaki's romantic affection for Haruhi, Ryōuji has stated that he considers Tamaki an enemy, and seems to take amusement in picking on him. In Volume 18, Hatori declines to confirm whether he is named heir to the Ootori zaibatsu or not. Even then, he cannot find the courage to confess to her, frightened that she doesn't return his feelings.