The ceremony was conducted with great Treating other people with dignity means treating them the way we’d like to be treated ourselves.. Every human has the right to lead a dignified life and fulfill his or her potential. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. -to break up with someone who doesn't make you feel secure.

The old man is a patriotic overseas Chinese.

Though he lived a very simple life, Mahatma Gandhi carried himself with great dignity.

In my judgment this is exactly the type of discrimination for which the framers of the first sentence of Article 40.1 of the Constitution were providing. The state of being dignified or worthy of esteem: elevation of mind or character.

Patriotic songs have long been a feature of Kuwaiti life.

His creased fat face literally shone with pleasure, which, for the sake of Every speaker tries to create a love affair with his or her audience. Sign the Declaration of Dignity! Examples: -to resign from a job you are not treated well. You would have been treated without dignity or left homeless. By the time he was ready to … Nelson Mandela was a man of great vision, integrity and dignity. She rather enjoyed showing off her lion, whose simple They equally protest against the common beliefs in the supreme It was a custom which was so well established and so universally recognized, that it had all the force and She would be ready when he came to receive him with The pettiest bit of ceremonial law is here of equal All my lectures upon the importance of keeping up the An occasional smart coupe went by as if to prove that prancing horses were still necessary to the Consider that the point in question is not so much my sorely insulted The accident of a slight tinge of color had hardly risen even to the Alice had missed what she had once begun to expect, romance and all that it meant; but she had filled with The thought helped him to "overcome the sharpness of death," and die with greater He might have been one of the amusement kings of America judging from the No one would have perceived either her lineage or her present The latter added sanctity to the former, the former gave He could not help remarking too that Apafi now needed no one to remind him how to preserve his princely He was now master of the greater part of Germany, and it was If the misguided man had attired himself in a toga, he would have carried the Mantle without His face, which was dark as that of an African, his snowy beard, and his air of majestic She was venerable in appearance and scrupulously neat in her dress, and her manner had just the right touch of A flash of intuition told me that behind her white These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'dignity.' After the Revolution of Dignity, the government fell in early 2014. Find descriptive alternatives for dignity. To live in a way that you won't betray your principles or compromise with something less than the desired in crucial matters. Theirs is a country that cherishes freedom and human She is handed a lot in this episode and manages to handle just about everything with honor and The fight against the pandemic and its links to the fight for Black people’s Following in the steps of Jesus’ ministry to the lepers, Fr. Dignity definition is - formal reserve or seriousness of manner, appearance, or language. At issue for some is the balance between justice and dignity. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free!Learn a new word every day. Delivered to your inbox!Jenny Daggers links feminist critiques and interreligious dialogue, arguing that our failure to treat people of other traditions with When King spoke about the racist past, he gloried in black people beating the odds to win equal rights by arming "ourselves with The period just after the Revolutionary War (1780-1820) was a time to project hard-won Roger was beaming. 2. | Decorum, formality, stateliness. 142+6 sentence examples: 1. The dignity of motherhood was vindicated. Standing a majestic six feet tall and gifted with a resonant voice and …

use "dignity" in a sentence Their goal is to restore hope and dignity to the people they serve.