El volumen del relleno de basura en el botadero asciende a 1.246.980 m3, EMSA estima que se depositan 314 kg por metro cúbico, aproximadamente se tienen depositadas 352, 396 toneladas de basura en el botadero.

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Get our newsletter delivered directly to your inboxThe Añez administration unleashed police brutality and militarized the area.Bolivia’s coup-born regime led by Jeanine Añez does not meet the population’s demands for health care, which has contributed for Cochabamba to continue filling with garbage.On Sunday, Ombudsman Office Head Nadia Cruz, Interior Vice-Minister Javier Issa, Ombudsman Office Delegate Nelson Cox, and Cochabamba's Governor Esther Soria promoted a dialogue process to find solutions but did not achieve further results.On Tuesday, to alleviate the situation of the K'ara K'ara garbage dump, theCochabamba’s social discontent was unleashed when the COVID-19 cases shot up due to the Añez administration's inaction.



Hoy, cuando se cumplen cinco meses de la llegada del virus a Bolivia, el país bordea los 90.000 casos y supera los 3.500 decesos.

Get our newsletter delivered directly to your inboxProtests have continued intensively as 300 police troops were deployed in the city to suppress the rallies.Bolivia's Ombudsman Office Monday installed a dialogue table in Cochabamba department to come up with a solution to K'ara Kára conflict.Dialogues began last Sunday, but no progress was made.Now, Ombudsman Office Head Nadia Cruz, Interior Vice-Minister Jaiver Issa, Ombudsman Office Delegate Nelson Cox, and Cochabamba's Governor Esther Soria met with several community leaders and demonstrators representatives to reach an agreement.Also at the dialogue table was Cochabamba's Mayor Jose Maria Leyes, one of the names targeted by protesters.

Bolivia: Conflict in Cochabamba’s K'ara K'ara Dumpsite Continues | …

Meanwhile, paramilitary groups threatened local authorities and dumped garbage in the mayor's office.The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) expressed their concern about the violence registered in the K'ara K'ara area and called on the authorities to "not criminalize" social protests.

Bolivia's Ombudsman Office Monday installed a dialogue table in Cochabamba department to come up with a solution to K'ara Kára conflict. Bolivia's Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) leader Efrain Chambi Saturday asked the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Ombudsman's Office to intercede immediately in the conflicts in K'ara K'ara zone, in Cochabamba. by

Dialogues began last Sunday, but no progress was made. Debes completar todos los campos obligatorios para poder continuar.by