Germani, exercitatissimi in armis, qui inter annos XIIII tectum non subissent, virtute possent.

Añadir una traducción. Última actualización: invictus maneo. Frecuencia de uso: 1 Última actualización: It is well known how highly the Church regards human reason, for it falls to reason to demonstrate with certainty the existence of God, personal and one; to prove beyond doubt from divine signs the very foundations of the Christian faith; to express properly the law which the Creator has imprinted in the hearts of men; and finally to attain to some notion, indeed a very fruitful notion, of mysteries. Frecuencia de uso: 1 Última actualización: Germans, well-trained [as they were] beyond all others fourteen years had not been beneath a roof, could achieve by their valor. Frecuencia de uso: 1 Última actualización: Frecuencia de uso: 1 Última actualización: Finde invictus maneo im Latin is Simple Online Wörterbuch und lerne mehr über diese Phrase! et nullis casibas superabilis Romanos praedicabant, qui perdita classe, amissis armis, post constrata equorum virorumque , rising superior to all calamities; for having thrown away a fleet, after strewing the shores with the carcases of horses and of men, they had rushed to the attack with the same courage, with equal spirit, and, seemingly, with augmented numbers.Secundum Ricardum B. Morris historicum Americanum, hi commentarii sunt "incomparabilis constitutionis expositio, locus classicus in scientia politica latitudinem et profunditatem attingens ab exitu ullius scriptoris Americani posterii According to historian Richard B. Morris, the essays that make up The Federalist Papers are an "incomparable exposition of the Constitution, a classic in political science unsurpassed in both breadth and depth by the product of any later American writer. De traductores profesionales, empresas, páginas web y repositorios de traducción de libre uso. Examples translated by humans: morir, invictus, permanecer, sol invictus, sigo invicto. Usted buscó: invictus maneo (Latín - Español) Llamada a la API; Contribuciones humanas. De traductores profesionales, empresas, páginas web y repositorios de traducción de libre uso. Cookies help us deliver our services. firmness shown by Gregory, which We, with the help to imitate, resolved to defend at all costs the rights and prerogatives of which the Roman Pontificate is the guardian and the defender before God and man. Última actualización: 2014-12-04 Frecuencia de uso: 1 Calidad: Referencia: Anónimo. Find more occurrences in the Latin is Simple Library. Frecuencia de uso: 1 Última actualización: Josaphat Kuntzevitch, archbishop of Polotsk and Vitebsk, was famed for his holiness of life and apostolic zeal, and was an intrepid champion of Catholic unity.

Frecuencia de uso: 1 Última actualización: Frecuencia de uso: 2 Última actualización: Try it out! illa Gregorii fortitudo manabat, quam, opitulante Deo, imitari curabimus, Nobis proponentes modis omnibus, privilegia tueri, quorum Pontificatus romanus custos ac vindex est, coram Deo et coram hominibus. Sieh Dir auch eine detaillierte Analyse der einzelnen Wörter an! Frecuencia de uso: 1 Última actualización: Una carrera intachable carece de «manchas», de escándalos que hayan puesto en duda la reputación de la persona. EIUSDEM Serm. Frecuencia de uso: 1 Última actualización: invictus maneo Phrase Meaning: I remain unvanquished. Example Sentences. D. B.29.