Later in her prison cell talking to her lawyer she says that her Thea and Oliver are in a good place and that she should stop digging into it as there are some questions that must never be answered. Since Moira has been gone, Thea has been lost. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers Moira is also the former close friend/former lover-turned-enemy of the late Malcolm Merlyn, the ex-friend of the late Frank Chen, and an old f… Moira is put on trial for her involvement in the Undertaking and the resulting deaths of 503 people in the Glades. ... Moira Queen. After her arrest, Moira was denied the chance to attend Tommy's funeral.Thea visited Moira in Iron Heights prison and picked out a few clothes for her court appearance. Later, Moira was questioned about The Hood confronting her by Quentin Lance. She is later interrogated by Malcolm who suspects Oliver of being the Hood because of the evidence but Moira assures him that he is not. This prompted Moira to draw the line, starting with grounding Thea for two weeks. After she is released, Moira is taken by her driver to meet a very alive Malcolm Merlyn, who informs a stunned Moira that it was he who manipulated the jury to get her acquitted, and that he knows Thea is his daughter. That night, Moira and Walter attended the After Diggle quit as Oliver's bodyguard, Moira hired While Oliver was being interrogated, Moira and Walter barged into the room, with Moira furiously accusing Quentin of arresting her son based solely on old grudges. When Malcolm demanded that Moira tell Thea the truth about her parentage, he made the mistake of mentioning Moira and Thea attend Alderman Blood's unity rally for the citizens of Starling City. She confessed her involvement in the Undertaking, after John hit Oliver multiple times. Moira later confesses to her children that Donner's trump card is the fact that she once had an affair with Malcolm Merlyn. An angry Oliver later meets with Moira, furious that she has hidden the truth about Thea from everyone, and even tried threaten Felicity to keep it from him. Moira was online shopping with Thea when Oliver came in to tell them that Walter was dead. Jean suggests to Thea that she break up with Roy, a previously convicted felon, to uphold Moira's reputation as a devoted mother who raised good children. 9 'Arrow' Characters Who Need To Come Back To Life Now that [SPOILER] is alive again, who should return from the grave next? Rose also co-hosted the DC Movies Podcast, and has guested on other nerd and entertainment podcasts over the past five years. When the bomber Shrapnel attacks the rally, a lighting tower falls and nearly crushes Moira, but she is saved by Roy Harper, revealing his Mirakuru-enhanced strength to Thea. Moira Queen (née Dearden; born c. 1964) is a philanthropist in Star City and the former CEO of Queen Consolidated. A one-stop shop for all things video games. She reconciles with Roy but is nearly killed by Ra's and is brought back to life in the Lazarus Pit in exchange for Oliver joining the League of Assassins. The …

Though she went to jail for her crimes, she continued to lead and guide her children from behind bars, even reconnecting Thea and Roy when Thea ended the relationship in an attempt to protect her mother. Moira, without hesitation, sacrificed herself to ensure her children will live and spare Oliver the burden of choosing between her and Thea; demonstrating that Moira was ultimately a complicated, yet loving mother whose only goal was to protect her children at any cost. The big surprises are that Moira Queen and Emiko Queen are apparently alive, well, and on good enough terms with everybody to appear at his funeral together! Backed by the Dark Iron clan, Moira ruled Ironforge arrogantly and with an iron fist. Then, she flees along with everyone else in Verdant when Roy Harper comes in. ), and since then has had an on-again, off-again love affair with not just Marvel, but DC and indie comics as well. Laurel cross-examines her and reveals the affair with Merlyn in open court. After the statement in front of the Starling City press, she was arrested for conspiracy to commit murder. Later she is shown in a limousine with Thea and Oliver. During the trial, Moira decides to take the witness stand. Now, another deceased character has been revealed to be coming back to the show for this 100th episode extravaganza, and it looks like a Queen family reunion is in the works. They come in … Moira was incredulous when Oliver wanted Back at the mansion, Moira was upset over Oliver being forced to wear an ankle monitor and became frustrated when he decided to throw a house party. Walter was distant from Moira as he realized that she was behind his kidnapping. Since then, Rose has written for Horror Honeys, Moviepilot and Quirkbooks as well as Screenrant, increasingly focusing on comic books and live-action comic adaptations, as well as diversity and representation on screen.

However, the jury finds Moira not guilty on all counts despite the apparent strength of the prosecution's case. EW has learned that Susanna Thompson will also be returning to Arrow as Moira Queen, mother to Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Thea (Willa Holland).