I began Pickleball a year ago April. Consider adding this exercise video to your High Hamstring Tendonitis rehabilitation program. 5. Did you have this too? I’d run a few times a week and attend Vinyasa Flow classes with the best teachers in SF (we are very spoiled in the Bay Area when it comes to incredible yoga teachers – this place is a mecca of talent, knowledge, and skill!). I give you a full 16 weeks of healing exercise in my full guidebook here That’s wonderful. Thx again I am praying it will be the answer too! I’m 62 years old, and plan to backpack the 220 mi John Muir Trail this summer. I just sort of waited it out, but that took way longer than I wanted it too.

A couple quick questions.

I went to the doctor and multiple chiropractors, and nothing that they did helped at all.

Lynne xx I would be very careful!Thank you for posting the high hamstring exercises video. I am going to be working with a physical therapist who specializes with athletes and just one full workout with you significantly alleviated my pain. Please feel free to share with others that could benefit ! A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. Advice on how not to do this? Two weeks in & I can already feel a difference. After a bit of research I found you on youtube and I have started to make the excersizes daily. One quick question – I know you suggested taking it easy with running, but I wanted to get your opinion on switching to an elliptical? Are there certain exercises in body pump zi should avoid? When the backs of your upper legs are tight, the muscles can pull down on your lower back leading to pain. I gradually felt less pain as I grew stronger and more stable. Together we would work together to create a fitness routine, specific exercises, and other lifestyle habits to allow you to move forward in healing FOR GOOD. This approach makes a lot of sense since I feel like I can’t even put weight on my right side. I have been doing it every morning, should I do another round later in the day or several times a day? I was wondering, during the 2 years you were recovering, did the pain ever “flare up” from time to time or did it just continue to progress for the better each day? While I felt pretty good after going to the 2nd PT, the “at home” exercises did not seem to be doing much when I was on my own. I’m looking forward to doing your suggested exercises every day. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "MayoClinic.org," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. I had hip repair surgery in August. I don’t do yoga much, but I’m a dancer and my go-to solution over the past year+ has been to stretch more. I went to a Physical Therepist and have been doing exercises that weren’t helping too much.I have given up all the yoga that I was practicing and am now very stiff and have hamstring pain every day. Never rest…I knew it wasn’t good but kept playing until my legs just buckled when I’d try to sprint to net! Upper hamstring tendinopathy is among the most common injuries in the yoga community. An MRI 3 weeks ago showed I had high hamstring tendinopathy and bursopathy, I’ve been told to stop all exercise.

You learn HOW to move with good form and how to train differently to help build stronger muscles and move away from pain.

Thank you for posting this.Strength DOES rule!!
I, like other readers of this thread, have been searching for a way to heal my HTT. (I keep swimming and I did some easy cycling, but is this actually delaying my recovery?) A single day later, I somehow feel almost back to normal after doing all of the workouts at least 20 times each throughout the day. THanks so much! I cover isometric high hamstring tendinopathy exercises below with pictures and descriptions, there’s 5 of them. Have you checked out my Strong Body program? I just reached my 1 year mark from date of injury & was misdiagnosed for 8 months! It took 2 years of consistent strength work! Ill be sharing it within the next month – stay tuned and get ready for more exercises to help you feel better I have always exercised. I can go through a month and have minimal pain and then the next minute I don’t do anything different but have really bad pain.