And no, I don’t eat rare steak or any steak for that matter.One of the best things about being an adult is that you don’t have to say “yuck” to all foods other than peanut butter and jelly sammiches.Wow these food are so cruel! It also has oats in it, which you missed out, which adds to the yummy texture. Forget corn dogs, we are talking Snickers on a stick, spaghetti on a stick, beer on a stick, and my favorite, Northwoods salad on-a-stick (mozzarella cheese and cherry tomatoes over chilled wild rice). If your household has income after all deductions have been applied, the SNAP program estimates that you can afford to spend 30% of your income on food and your SNAP benefit will be reduced by that amount. These guidelines are used by schools, institutions, and facilities participating in the National School Lunch Program (and USDA Foods in Schools), School Breakfast Program, Special Milk Program for Children, Child and Adult Care Food Program and Summer Food Service Program. McDonalds is a place that all Americans know and love. !I think food must not be judged by its looks!!! Black Pudding just tastes like a sausage with a different texture, and is not bad.I mean, I eat each of them maybe once a year. It tastes like what dog food smells like, and tastes rather bland. Thank you for this. But yeah, it is damn disgusting~!!

wife nor my current wife would eat it. Now I know…. There are varieties with onion or rice instead of potato and it is used often in tapas. [WARNING: Some content may disturb] We have previously posted a list of the top 10 most disgusting foods and this is our long awaited sequel. etc., …….Me ? Wish I’d had it instead.who cares what its made of or looks like! It's delicious, but a lot of people find it queasy. 10. The only time I saw my wife eat balut was when she was pregnant and she ate as many as she could get her hands on !If you want to see a photo of balut you will never forget, look up “Filipino Cuisine” on Uncyclopedia.Fish fermented in caustic acid and left to ferment for six months and is the traditional Christmas dish of Norway in which 20% of the population eat that. We eat quite a few meat products (including Potted Meat) regularly that contain God-knows-what. Take a class on Sanitation and Food-borne illnesses, that will wake you up. Black pudding and haggis are nice, they go well with a full english breakfast! Haven’t tried it myself though.I can’t believe you put in potted meat as the token American food, instead of chitlins (chitterlings): Boiled pig intestines which smell atrocious from a thousand feet away – outside. This is the root of racism and intolerance. again, probably yum!!! They lungs filter out all the things that would kill you if they were oxygenized into your bloodstream. Why is hurting a cat worse than hurting any other nonhuman animal? Ugh. I love blood pudding though I would call it black pudding. I put Mayonaise on mine. However, when it comes to gross foods, not all are born from utter necessity. It's because the human body can't digest (human)blood.That is how they find intestinal bleeding,when you have a lot of black in your stool.Another reason human beings can't be vampires.What,did I just offend Twilight fans ? To be eligible for SNAP, first figure out the total number of people in your household — the total household income must be below a certain number based on the number of people in the household. and because I’m pilipino , my family doesnt eat the bones. In Thailand we eat cats, they are really good, like a real gamey pork sort of.


It has also earned a widespread reputation as one of the all-time grossest ethnic delicacies. It was originally a Pennsylvania Dutch recipe. There is nothing disgusting about haggis unless you are 10 years old. blood pudding … commonly known as black pudding … is not disgusting. Blood Sausage is just sort of the texture is worse than the taste which tasted like blood. ?No Peter, tripe is made from the first three chambers of a cow’s stomach.Thank You Scream. Sometimes you've just gotta shake your head and say to yourself, "only in Minnesota". I can't understand how black pudding got to be #1 on this list.

Granted this isn’t the prime cut, but the nutritional value of liver etc is exceptional…it’s price marred (thankfully for us heathens!!!) I had no idea that people would consider these as gross as, say, the fallopian trubes of frogs or rancid fish heads.
!“…as resembling stuffed intestines more than sausage”What the heck do you think the coating on a proper sausage is? Many cold cuts start out as a hot liquidy meat juice which congeals in the skin, forming your "deli meat". There is relatively little meat on them so you basically chew on the orange skin, ripping it from the bones.Chou doufu… take your run-of-the-mill tofu, let it soak a few hours in a broth of rotten vegetables, rotten fish, rotten shrimp, and brine that has been fermenting for 6 months. Hotdish with crispy tater tots lining the top and beef, green beans and corn inside, held together by cream of mushroom soup. Ps have you even tried it? Ewww……Insult.I’m a vegetarian and find eating chicken gross and this site is sick.i understand i am a vegan and this site is sick like REALLY SICKthat is gross stuff that website is G.R.O.S.S totally.i have never heard of blood pudding or black pudding it sound grossthis stuff is gross but you guys are babies and thanks kateMcDonalds!? You’re beginning to sound like an moron.Black pudding and white pudding (kidney) is nice for a real breakfast.Nether my ex. Then, the eggs are cooked and served with a dash of salt and a few squirts of lemon juice.Potted meat is not some strange foreign delicacy. Really?

I don’t think Haggis is disgusting personally, but think about it.
My wife is Filipina and even she doesn’t eat it. It certainly did for me !! Sorry but it's true.