In our text this week, Glen Geher proposed that all human behavior was a direct result of, not only natural selection, but also the human desire to reproduce. Evolutionary Psychology.

We seek to protect the rights of our authors and we always investigate claims of plagiarism or misuse of published articles. If your paper should be considered for fast-track publication, please explain why.The journal’s policy is to have manuscripts reviewed by two expert reviewers. This means, overall, that the … Sign in here to access free tools such as favourites and alerts, or to access personal subscriptionsIf you have access to journal content via a university, library or employer, sign in hereResearch off-campus without worrying about access issues. The concept of brain plasticity negates much of what EP posits. These traits could be perception, memory, etc. 1992 Oxford We greatly value your feedback!You are adding the following journals to your email alerts These certain neurological qualities, if more advanced than other human’s qualities, are what caused those people to survive and reproduce.
Studies have found somatosensory and visual areas of the cortex communicate with each other. On further examination, when it is broken down into its subtle distinctions of multiple modules and deterministic nature that an earnest discussion can begin. The journal aspires to attract as readers faculty, students, and researchers from across the social, behavioral, and life sciences who have an interest in applying evolutionary perspectives to psychology and behavior. This psychological concept views the nervous system as comprised of multimodal connections; highly specialized distinct modules processing information in singular specific domains (Buller & Hardcastle, 2000). Tax-exempt status can be indicated by providing appropriate registration numbers when payment is requested. Authors are reminded to check their proofs carefully to confirm that all author information, including names, affiliations, sequence and contact details are correct, and that Funding and Conflict of Interest statements, if any, are accurate. Its aetiology can be explained by considering the influence of social structures, endocrinological differences, and neurological limitations (Lehman, 2009). If you think about that for just a minute, it all makes sense. Watch the “Robert Heath: Experimental Psychosurgery on African-American” and “Application of Heath’s Research” videos available on the student website. There is more brain activity in the section linked to vision processing when both tactile sensory and visual areas are stimulated than if just the visual stimulus is shown alone (Buller & Hardcastle, 2000). Within this process, the brain is constantly rewiring and modifying its connections.

Reviewers claiming credit for their review will be associated with the relevant journal, but the article name, reviewer’s decision and the content of their review is not published on the site. Evolutionary psychology or EP, is a theoretical framework which explains human psychological processes such as thoughts and emotions as governed by our genetic blueprint and nervous system. Evolutionary Psychology looks at humans as the result of natural selection. Each article accepted by peer review is made freely available online immediately upon publication, is published under a Creative Commons license and will be hosted online in perpetuity. Papers on traditional (e.g., jealousy) and modern (e.g., disgust mechanisms) subject matters of this discipline are welcome, … At this time it will be completely free to view and download for all. For instance, purposely pairing two blonde haired, blue-eyed individuals to produce only blonde haired, blue-eyed offspring. Evolution is a great explanation for psychological concepts. The covering letter is important. This site uses cookies. By definition, Evolutionary Psychology is an approach to psychology that tries to explain traits, both mental and psychological, as adaptations.
This phrase has absolutely nothing to do with physical fitness or being energetic, however it refers to those animals and species which are the most suited to their environment or in other words, those more capable of surviving. This means, overall, that the human brain, and everything that influences the brain and its functions, are formed and influenced by natural selection, or “survival of the fittest”. Humans that have a more advanced brain, or greater brain capacities, will be the ones to survive and reproduce. Proofs will made available to the corresponding author via our editing portal SAGE Edit, or by email to the corresponding author and should be returned promptly. Where an article, for example, is found to have plagiarized other work or included third-party copyright material without permission or with insufficient acknowledgement, or where the authorship of the article is contested, we reserve the right to take action including, but not limited to: publishing an erratum or corrigendum (correction); retracting the article; taking up the matter with the head of department or dean of the author's institution and/or relevant academic bodies or societies; or taking appropriate legal action.If material has been previously published, it is not generally acceptable for publication in a SAGE journal. i also can make requests for revisions without extra charges . datasets, podcasts, videos, images etc) alongside the full-text of the article. When we think of natural selection, it is often interpreted to mean “survival of the fittest”. from a specialist communications company, do not qualify as authors and so should be included in the Acknowledgements section. I was used to some previous service where they charged me an average of 50usd a page, here, i can order assignments with up to $15 a page This is not the case however: human genetic representation is similar to the common mouse (Buller & Hardcastle, 2000).