Examples of embryonic in a Sentence The tourism industry there is still in an embryonic stage. Online gambling as an industry is still illegal and 20. Objective To study the location of embryonic optic cup stem cel The project is still at an embryonic stage. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. At present female employment of China already saw embryonic form first. ResultsThe microtome section of embryonic with paramesonephric duct were obtained. 3. While online commerce remains e 2. Recent Examples on the Web The tournament has grown exponentially since its embryonic … 168 sentence examples: 1. Opponents argue that embryonic stem cell research destroys a human life. found vestiges of a keel in a young rhea, and apteria in the The young Brachiopod in all its species is protected by an In living Arachnids, excepting the Pantopoda, it is either fused (with loss of its appendages) with the prosoma (Limulus, 1 Scorpio), after This wasting may be general or local - continuously from the of Macedon had begun his career of conquest, and had shattered an This very characteristic larva is termed a planula, but though very uniform externally, the planulae of different species, or of the same species at different periods, do not always represent the same stage of In Trachylinae the polyp-stage is passed over, and is represented only by the actinula as a transitory Such cannulated cells are characteristic of the nephridia of many worms, and the organs thus formed in the embryo Limnaeus are The thicker portion develops a terminal muscular rostellum and two or four suckers, the thinner end (" tail ") is vesicular, more or less elongated, and contains the six Trained in a school where the principles of responsible government were still in an Since then (1904) Miss Florence Durham has shown that if the skins of young or Pascal also distinguished himself by his skill in the infinitesimal calculus, then in the The nerve cells of the higher vertebrata, unlike their blood cells, their connective tissue cells, and even their muscle cells, early, and indeed in The interplay of extrinsic and intrinsic factors also differs with the age of the organism affected: the more nearly adult it may be, the more direct appears to be the influence of the environment; the more nearly Here, again, a variation in the order, nature and number of the divisions, in itself simple, may result in symmetrical or correlated changes in all the progeny of the affected A similar kind of segregation may take place in the formation of the repeated parts of an organism, so that symmetrical repetition may be compared with normal heredity, and be due to the presence of similar factors in the divisions of the To metamorphosis he only allowed a logical value, as explaining the natural classification; the only real, existent metamorphosis he saw in the development of the individual from its 34, and in the constitution of its digestive, vascular, respiratory (branchial), excretory, skeletal, nervous and muscular systems it exhibits what appears to be a primordial condition of vertebrate organization, a condition which is, in fact, partly recapitulated in the course of the The Coelentera may thus be briefly defined as Metazoa which exhibit two The rudiments of the first three pairs of appendages commonly appear simultaneously, and, even in forms with A Monograptus makes its first appearance as a minute dagger-like body (the sicula), which represents the flattened covering of the primary or This sicula, which had originally the shape of a hollow cone, is formed of two portions or regions - an upper and smaller (apical or The former term was applied to a flattened plate observed in the The difficulty of rearing the larvae in an aquarium towards the close of the metamorphosis may account for the slight information available concerning the stages that immediately follow the Which of the coelomic cavities this last is connected with is uncertain, for there is considerable doubt as to the origin of the genital glands in the This fact leads to the consideration of Phylloglossum, which resembles the embryo of Lycopodium cernuum in so many respects that it has been spoken of as a permanently The Rotifera are characterized by the retention of what appears in Molluscs and Chaetopods as an I, Coelom of the first somite It also shows us that the neurowhich carries the anten meres, no less than the Had the king been aon of willing these might have developed further; but public Richelieu ruthlessly suppressed all such growth, and spirlt~ they remained The morphology of Stigmaria has been much discussed; possibly the main axes, which do not agree perfectly either with rhizomes or roots, may best be regarded as comparable with the rhizophores of Selaginellae; they have also been compared with the There is still a strong aversion by many in Parliament to The scientific establishment is not mentioning the embryos created, only to be destroyed in the process of extracting He supports the use of the human embryo for experiments and the production of the The Prize recognized the seminal contributions Adrian and his teacher, Keith Lucas, had made to the History of UK Offshore Wind The possibility of taking the then That said, online console gaming is still relatively Until this is addressed satisfactorily, this speculative idea must be considered interesting yet North Northumberland Dunes Northumberland North Northumberland Dunes represents Boundaries:: During pattern formation, many genes are expressed in a segmentally repeated manner in the We are working hard to build the infrastructure needed by such Several alternative sources have been suggested, ranging from fully formed islets taken from pigs, to human meiosis results in aneuploid oocytes with subsequent arrest of pro-life advocates for backing a bill that would use taxpayers ' funds to promote The grateful traitors of these groups then took the lead in dissolving the Function: A homeodomain transcription factor that is an essential regulator of early development and The human placenta arises primarily through proliferation, migration and invasion of the endometrium and its vasculature by the After comparing the salamanders and the perenni-branchiate Urodela with the tadpoles and the frogs, and enunciating the law that the more highly any animal is organized the more quickly does it pass through the lower stages, Meckel goes on to say: " From these lowest Vertebrata to the highest, and to the highest forms among these, the comparison between the If Meckel's proposition is so far qualified, that the comparison of adult with The general proposition as to a parallelism between individual and ancestral development is no doubt indisputable, but extended knowledge of the very different ontogenetic histories of closely allied forms has led us to a much fuller conception of the mode in which stages in Closely allied to the study of symmetry is the study of the direct effect of the circumambient media on (I) Amphicoelous; each end of the centrum is concave; this, the lowest condition, is The shell necessarily takes this form also, and then becomes coiled in a dorsal or anterior plane - that is to say, it becomes exogastric.