At the base of the building, Shizuo had taken control of one of the steal beams, shaking it violently until Izaya loses his balance and falls. After leaving, it is revealed Haruna had possessed the Amphisbaena members and she asks Izaya to take her to Takashi before attacking him with her knife and failing. Shizuo finds him untrustworthy, saying whenever there is trouble, "99% of the time you're (Izaya) behind it."

He provides Namie with the job of being his secretary and taunts her for letting her selfish and twisted love get the better of her.

In the anime, Namie approaches Izaya for information on Seiji and Mika's whereabouts, and Izaya mocks her before finding it out. The crowd composed of Dollars, Toramaru, and Saika children, steer clear of the two. While Kida is out of the city (and away from the chatroom) he hacks into Masaomi's account and impersonates him on the chatroom to manipulate Mikado similar to how he manipulated Masaomi during the Yellow Scarves incident.

Izaya laughs as he succumbs to his wounds.

Most of the cast will either disregard him as unreliable and unstable, or threaten him with violence.

He thought it stemmed from "give me all your dollars", but the real root is "dara dara", a term meaning 'to do nothing'. Shinra warns that Izaya is dangerous, but genuine in his love and that he doesn't mean any harm in his chosen way of 'loving' people. Before he can elaborate more on his feelings, Izaya's sisters spot him and call out to him. Izaya tries to call Namie but passes out before he can reach his phone.

He is interviewed by Shuuji Niekawa, however, as he didn't want to speak about Shizuo, Izaya referred him to Celty. That night, he stays up and watches as someone comes into his room.

In the middle of the confrontation, Izaya signals for the crane to open with hopes of dropping the steel beams on top of Shizuo.
He has Higa hand over the last gun which Horada had had. It is also stated in the anime that Izaya is envious that Shizuo is capable of forming relationships with others and Izaya is not.

Needless to say, Izaya was responsible for tons of damage, including tricking the upperclassmen into being beaten by Shizuo during 'Bloody White Day'. Izaya stated that the women had developed a sort of worship for their abusers that he merely shifted onto himself.

Shizuo came to his apartment, accusing Izaya of being behind the slasher attacks, which Izaya denied. I just thought that their sad smiling eyes faces look somewhat similarImage discovered by Izaya's Little Sis ♥. Izaya then, after reaffirming his need to destroy Shizuo, throws a lit match into the room causing a large fire. Izaya makes the decision to end his rivalry with Shizuo once and for all. As he goes to meet his sisters, Izaya thinks about how if her head had awakened, he would have been betraying Shinra, who would probably hate him for taking Celty away. Izaya's fate is left unknown at this point. Izaya claims Shizuo is the only human he does not love and wouldn't mind seeing him dead. Izaya, However is unhappy that Shizuo realizes being violent would only add to the suspicion. Izaya has not returned to Ikebukuro since he left, possibly out of fear. Knowing Shizuo will come after him, he makes his escape, running down the street as Shizuo launches vending machines at him.

He is available only as a main character in Dengeki Bunko: Crossing Void.

He tells Namie he wants to use the head to avoid his own, inevitable end. He amassed a great deal of 'followers' many of whom were young women and girls with bad home lives or abusive lovers.
Izaya Orihara is a manipulative and skilled information broker who claims to love every member of the human race except for Shizuo Heiwajima. Things reach their peak when Celty suddenly dives down from the rooftops and reveals her true nature to the city, taking down several of Namie's thugs in the process.

He has Nakura also supply her with a modified stun gun and sends her after Shizuo. Not long after, Izaya approached her for her abilities and hired her. Izaya has short black hair and brown eyes.

However, he dislikes Shizuo with a passion and enjoys playing with and has antagonized him since they met in high school. Yodogiri leaves Izaya bleeding on the sidewalk as he walks away.