Suriname's new President Chan Santokhi addresses the audience after receiving the presidential sash from outgoing President Desi Bouterse, in Paramaribo, Suriname July 16, 2020. A special oath-taking in Suriname, thousands of miles away from India… India congratulates President Chan Santokhi and wishes him the very best for his Presidential term. REUTERS/Ranu Abhelakh Congratulations & best wishes! I swear (promise) that I in fulfilling the Presidential (Vice-Presidential) office, will stand for, observe and promote the interests of the country and the people with all my ability I swear (promise) that I will do as much as possible to the independence and territory of the Republic of Suriname will defend and preserve; that I will protect the general and special liberty and the rights of all and use to the preservation and promotion of the general and special prosperity all the means which the laws and circumstances make available to me, as a good and faithful President owes is.

“I swear (promise) faithfully to the Republic of Suriname. The final signature on the documents was from divorce minister Mike Noersalim of the Interior.If I had to use the personal factor in academic analysis, I would put David Granger in front of Donald Ramotar. “I swear (promise) faithfully to the Republic of Suriname. Suriname's new President Chan Santokhi addresses the audience after receiving the presidential sash from outgoing President Desi Bouterse, in Paramaribo, Suriname July 16, 2020. It is "a matter of pride" for all Indians that Suriname's new President Chandrika Parasad Santokhi took the oath of office holding the Vedas and began it with Vedic hymns, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in his monthly 'Mann ki Baat' radio address on Sunday. [videos] => Array Santokhi accepted the office of President of Suriname and signed the associated proclamation. President Desi Bouterse says goodbye after 10 years and Chan Santokhi takes office. If the letter/e-mail you sent was not published, and you believe that its contents were not libellous, let us know, please contact us by phone or email.Feel free to send us your comments and/or criticisms.Enter your email address to subscribe for FREE to this website and receive notifications of new content by email.

The transfer of power in the country took place at an extraordinary public meeting in Independence Square. He recited a hymn from the Vedas itself. Truly, this, for all of us, is a matter of pride" Modi said.The prime minister congratulated Santokhi and wished him the best on behalf of Indians for serving his nation. Picture Supply : TWITTER/#MAHESVARI Chandrikapersad Santokhi, Suriname's Indian-origin President takes oath in Sanskrit India-origin Chandrikapersad Santokhi, Suriname's newly-elected President, took oath in Sanskrit whereas holding Vedas in his hand through the inauguration ceremony on July 16. I swear (promise) that, in order to do or not to do anything whatsoever in this office, I will not take any promises or gifts from anyone whatsoever, directly or indirectly. © Copyright Network18 Media and Investments Ltd 2020. So truly help God Almighty (I declare and promise!) Use of the CNN name and/or logo on or as part of does not derogate from the intellectual property rights of Cable News Network in respect of them. ( "Holding the Vedas in his hand he said, 'I, Chandrika Prasad Santokhi', and, further what did he say in his oath?

He said, 'hey Agni, fire, the god of resolve, I am taking an oath. Santohki’s Progressive Reform Party won 20 seats in the May 25 elections, and formed a coalition government. Chan Santokhi of Indian origin took oath as #PresidentRepublicOfSuriname, with Holy Vedas in his hands & chant of Sanskrit Mantras by the priests. "We Indians feel very proud of these cultural relations," he said.Array ”After Santokhi took his oath, several spiritual leaders blessed the new president.