Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. September 2014 * 07.04.1770 in Cockermouth (County Cumbria)† 23.04.1850 in Rydal Mount bei Grasmere (County Cumbria)Der Dichter...* 02.02.1700 in Juditten bei Königsberg (Ostpreußen)† 12.12.1766 in LeipzigJOHANN CHRISTOPH GOTTSCHED war Übersetzer,...* 28.08.1749 in Frankfurt am Main† 22.03.1832 in WeimarJOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE war einer der berühmtesten...Haltung Goethes und Schillers zur Französischen RevolutionSCHILLER hatte die Veränderungen in Frankreich anfänglich noch begrüßt und begann sich erst mit dem jakobinischen...Für den losen Zusammenschluss einiger sich auf KLOPSTOCK berufender junger Schriftsteller im September 1772 zum...In „Egmont“ (1788) griff GOETHE zum zweiten Mal (nach „Götz von Berlichingen“) ein historisches Sujet auf: den...Die „klassische“ griechische Mythologie prägte die gesamte abendländische (europäische) Kultur.Die Epik ist neben der Lyrik und Dramatik eine der drei großen Gattungen der Literatur und umfasst erzählende...BERTOLT BRECHTs Theater bildet den Anfangspunkt des modernen Theaters, das nach seiner programmatischen Schrift als ...Die Stilmittel der Lyrik gehen auf die Figuren und Tropen der griechischen Rhetorik, der Redekunst, zurück.
A book I would dearly have liked to edit--it would have been much better if it lost about half its length. Ihre zuletzt angesehenen Artikel und besonderen Empfehlungen Read the full-text online edition of Corinne, or, Italy (1998). L'Italie), avec le prétexte d'une intrigue amoureuse dont on subodore tout de suite qu'elle tournera mal, imaginez : une Italienne, talentueuse et sensuelle, et un Anglais "as cold as a fish", même si on a beau dire "un Inglese italianato è un vero diavolo incarnato ",. This book bugged me.

Kindle-Shop. i don't know how to feel about this novel. Il relate une histoire d'amour entre une poétesse italienne, Corinne, et Lord Oswald Nelvil, un noble anglais. Very impressed and touched by this book. I definitely am glad I read it, but didn't exactly feel like reading it for the first 100 pages. Es wird kein Kindle Gerät benötigt. Le roman contient de nombreuses informations et réflexions au sujet de l'Italie, de son histoire, de sa culture et des mœurs de ses habitants. Joris-Karl Huysmans : Oeuvres complètes et annexes - (47 titres, annotés et illustrés) (French Edition) If I find that they appeal to me then usually I buy a more modern edition with a good introduction and explanatory notes.Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 3. Celebrated for her conversational eloquence, she participated actively in the political and intellectual life Anne Louise Germaine de Staël-Holstein (22 April 1766 – 14 July 1817), commonly known as Madame de Staël, was a French woman of letters of Swiss origin whose lifetime overlapped with the events of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic era. Corinna o l'Italia (Corinne ou l'Italie) è un romanzo di Madame de Staël pubblicato nel 1807.Ambientato qualche anno prima, descrive l'incontro in Italia tra un giovane inglese e una poetessa italiana, Corinna, ispirata sia alle proprie vicende autobiografiche, sia alla biografia della Corilla Olimpica. The main characters, Nevil and Corinne, are both heroes in their own cultural contexts but incompatible with each other's cultural ideals. The biggest drawbacks are the plot and the characters, both of which are pretty insipid and suffer too much from the cult of romanticism (I love novels of the period, but enough with all the tremblings and faintings and weeping fits already). Haar belangrijkste werken zijn haar essay De l’Allemagne en haar romans Delphine en Corinne. She does not conform to the English canons of taste, and she finds her true self in Italy, both as a geographical place and as a state of being. A walking tour through Italy interspersed with a tragic love story.A walking tour through Italy interspersed with a tragic love story.It's a strange book-- very slow plot at first, but then really picks up, and is mostly about the beauty and customs of Italy. Potential readers beware: the first 200-300 pages of Potential readers beware: the first 200-300 pages of Corinne was once called the worst great novel, and it's rather true.
In ihrem Roman Corinne ou l’Italie überlässt Mme de Staël die Darstellung des Bildes der vorbildlichen, tugendhaften Frau, die eine Zierde für ihren Ehemann darstellt, in diesem Fall Oswald Lord Nelvil. From portraying with extreme the character's inner turmoil to describing a monument or place with extreme detail in such a way that even your emotions towards the monument are evoked. Moreover her beauty in her writing also lies in her great wisdom of life, inserting passages in her story of great moral thought so much so that one does not feel they are deviating or delaying from the story but rather supporting the story and bring the story to a universal level. Gorgeous, sumptuous, dripping with equal parts irony and Romanticism.