When you're intimate with someone, you share the most intimate parts of your lives — and the people you care about most. All rights reserved. He Doesn't Think You Feel The Same. Each one of…The content in this publication is presented for informative purposes only. I can unsubscribe at anytime with a click. he’s insecure, jealous, doesn’t have much purpose or direction in life, prefers to watch TV rather than face his problems head on, can’t handle her confidence tests, argues with her over unimportant things, needs her emotional support to feel strong).She might then start dropping hints to let him know what’s bothering her (e.g. When someone is feeling distant, they may not want to share with you or connect with you about their day. Please complete this quick form to gain instant access.Yes, I want free tips via email from Dan Bacon. But some relationship problems are much harder to spot. A woman will hint and then she’ll distance herself and wait for her man to figure things out by himself.She doesn’t want to have to mother him or teach him how to be the kind of man she can look up to, respect and feel attracted to.If she has to take on the role, she will feel more dominant than him and that will kill her feelings of sexual attraction.So, if your woman is acting distant, it may be her way of trying to get your attention focused on the fact that there is a deep problem with how you are approaching the relationship dynamic (e.g. Pay attention to your partner’s attitude but especially to the facts and what is... Talk to your partner. If you believe that you’re doing everything right in your relationship, it only makes sense that you’d be wondering why she is being distant.After all, if you’re a good guy, you love her and you’re doing your best, then what is her problem?So, why do women act distant, when to a guy, everything seems to be going perfectly on track?Women always test a guy’s confidence because they have an instinctive need to ensure that they are coupled up with a confident guy who will remain emotionally strong with or without her reassurance.If she becomes distant to test how you will react and you then become emotionally sensitive and insecure, she will instinctively lose respect and attraction for you.Even though she might not be able to explain it herself, instinctively she will know that something just isn’t right.A woman will happily stick with a man if he is able to remain confident in his attractiveness and value to her no matter how she tests him.However, if he can’t handle her confidence tests, she will instinctively begin to lose interest in being with him.Each women uses confidence tests in a different way and with different timing.For example: Some women are easy to pick up and get into a relationship, but about 2-3 months in, she will completely change and play hard to get.Likewise, some women test a guy’s confidence a lot when they first meet him by playing hard to get, but once they are in a relationship, they soften up and fall madly in love.Each women is slightly different, so to be successful at picking up women and keeping a relationship together, you’ve got to be emotionally strong enough to handle the confidence tests of women.Another reason why your woman might be acting distant is that she’s just not fully in love with you yet.The beginning of a relationship is always the easy part because of the excitement of being with someone new, kissing, having sex and enjoying the feelings of lust and new love.However, after a while (how long depends on the woman), it’s not unusual for a woman to ask herself:Naturally, while all of this is going on in her head, she will act distant and pull away from her man, causing him to feel shut out, and possibly even worried about losing her.He might then begin to think, behave, talk and act in insecure ways, which will turn her off and start making her think about breaking up with him.What a guy needs to do is to simply relax, maintain his belief in his attractiveness to her and let the relationship unfold naturally.As long as he is able to deepen her feelings of respect, attraction and love over time, she won’t want to break up with him.However, one of the reasons why some women won’t fall madly in love quickly is that she doesn’t want to go through the process of giving her complete love and trust to a guy, only to find out a short while later that he has no idea how to guide her into deeper feelings of respect, attraction and love in the long term.For example: Some guys think that once they get a girlfriend to fall in love with them initially, she’s going to stick around and put up with him for a long time or for life.A guy like this might then relax and assume that hanging out together, watching TV, going out to eat once in a while and kissing and having sex is enough for her to want to stay with him for life.If you want your relationship with your woman to grow and flourish over time, you have to be the one leading both her, and yourself, to deeper levels of respect, attraction and love.If you can’t do that, then why should she stay interested?Look at it this way: When you plant a seed, you have to then continue watering and nurturing it for the rest of your life, if you want it to grow into a big, strong healthy plant.The initial feelings of attraction are not enough to last for a lifetime, unless you can nurture them into something bigger and more meaningful.The more attraction, love and respect you can make her feel for you, the quicker she will decide that you’re a catch worth keeping, and then she will draw closer to you and open up, because she won’t want to lose you.There’s nothing wrong with really wanting your woman and enjoying spending time with her, but when it gets to the point where you need her for your emotional security and stability, that’s when problems begin to occur.It’s a woman’s natural instinct to be attracted to the emotional strength in men (e.g.