No spoilers here. I just finished it and I am already planning to recruit friends and coworkers to pick up copies and share my love and frustration. . This could be one of those series that encompasses so many things and I hope the author does that!! This one was even better than book one. WANT MORE.I LOVED the first book in this series so much that I re-read it twice and then purchased this new one on the day of was released ... And I was so disappointed.

Originally this was supposed to be a duology, but this book leaves the main conflict wide open. Octavia has found herself in Mbekenkanush, the Faloii village where she has found her grandparents still alive. Then the Faloii discover the N’Terran’s latest experiment: an artificially weaponized creature, and Octavia realizes that it’s up to her to prevent her people from causing any further destruction.As she and her friends set out to understand the scope of humanity’s history, nothing can prepare them for what they discover about both their home on Faloiv and the Origin planet. I love the main characters, and I want to thank the author for not only making characters that look like me and my family and being very clear about it, but for making them scientists and doctors, smart and caring and strong. Does she return to N'Terra to the people she is a part of, or stay with the Faloii and embrace her connection with the planet and the people before all out war comes to the planet?Hurray, work finally calmed down enough again for me to read a library book!Hurray, work finally calmed down enough again for me to read a library book!Many books, when you reach that point where the title comes into play, bring a sort of satisfaction, maybe even a revelation, like with book one, Many books, when you reach that point where the title comes into play, bring a sort of satisfaction, maybe even a revelation, like with book one, Real rating: 4.75 stars, though it would probably be 5 had my memory of the first book been sharper.Real rating: 4.75 stars, though it would probably be 5 had my memory of the first book been sharper.This sequel was alright for me. I also love the moral questions raised regarding environmentalism. I can't wait to see what happens in the next one. This series is perfect for fans of Amie Kaufman, Veroni

The subtle twists and turns keeps the reader moving long seamlessly all the way to the end. This was one of my most anticipated sequels of 2019, and it has a lot of what made me love This was one of my most anticipated sequels of 2019, and it has a lot of what made me love This was a beautifully written sequel to “A Conspiracy of Stars”. I'm glad we got to explore more of Failov and that was one of my favorite parts of the book, the world was certainly well-built. Octavia has found herself in Mbekenkanush, the Faloii village where she has found her grandparents still alive. When she arrives home her welcome is less that hospitable and she is taken to the labs and experimented on until her friends help her escape. I loved every page of this title and I really hope we get another one after this!! So good if your into the Avatar movie or just hella good writing.

This book was fantastic. It begins almost immediately following the events of A Conspiracy of Stars.
This site is like a library, Use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. Originally this was supposed to be a duology, but this book leaves the main conflict wide open.

Octavia is living in the city with the Faloiv when she realizes that she must go back to the humans and warn them about what Dr. Albatur is doing. Interesting concepts again, but there was something missing in the plot or writing that holds it back from a four-star read for me. I can’t recommendI already knew I would love this book based off the first one, but I can not even explain how much Olivia Cole has blown me away with this book series. It’s science fiction/space setting like I’ve never read before. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Her details and creative descriptions of species is mesmerizing. I love this world and in theMy Review: I loved how book one unfolded and the story was just a great blend of new creatures and characters and a world unlike any other. Start by marking “An Anatomy of Beasts (Faloiv, #2)” as Want to Read: The setting is so vivid and beautiful.

Ch 25: *reading on Kindle* thirty min chapter. It’s science fiction/space setting like I’ve never read before. We’d love your help. I can’t recommend this series enough.

Without giving anything away I will tell you that if you think you know where this book is heading you have NO CLUE!! The setting is so vivid and beautiful. Published She spent eight years in Chicago and two in South Florida before finding her way back home. Even though they are independent from each other there are too many back stories that support the second book and allow the reader a seamless transition. (Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher. She is the author of PANTHER IN THE HIVE and its sequel, THE ROOSTER’S GARDEN, as well as her latest young adult series, A CONSPIRACY OF STARS and its sequel AN ANATOMY OF BEASTS.
It reminds one of Avatar in several ways, the detailed descriptions, and encounters with life on Faloiv certainly help a lot in that. I waited two days to review this book so I could really think about it. If you are located outside the U.S., the best way to order online is to choose from the following bookstores listed by region and country. Seriously her mind is incredible. I am hoping we see at least one more book in this series to tie things up.My Review: I loved how book one unfolded and the story was just a great blend of new creatures and characters and a world unlike any other. “Anatomy of a Beast isn’t really about Bigfoot so much as it is about Bigfooters – the mythological pursuers of the mythological persuee. OH MY GOSH LOOK AT THE COVER I'M SCREAMING HOW DID THIS SERIES GET EVEN MORE GORGEOUS?? I really hope we'll get the 3rd book, apparently it's written, now it needs to be bought and published, or self published.