Develop Africa also provides computer training to children and young adults to help bridge the digital divide and give these students the skills necessary to be successful in the future.

Thomasia has been able to attend school for the past eight years and she graduated high school this year thanks to the scholarship program through Develop Africa. The Sustainable Development Goals Center for Africa (SDGC/A) is an international organization that supports governments, civil society, businesses and academic institutions to accelerate progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Africa.

Develop Africa believes that education is the key to unlocking the golden door of freedom for all in Africa. Reforestation by planting one tree at a time will help to reverse the effects of deforestation. By restoring vegetation and the forest, we are helping to combat global warming. Develop Africa's Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals: Develop Africa is committed to helping fulfill the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Furthermore, only 15% of the Sub-Saharan African rural population had access to electricity in 2012 and the continent … Sustainability can be defined as the practice of maintaining world processes of productivity indefinitely—natural or human-made—by replacing resources used with resources of equal or greater value without degrading or endangering natural biotic systems. The 4th sustainable development goal is quality education because it is the foundation to improving people’s lives and sustainable development. Social inclusion remains a key challenge. Develop Africa has shipped school supplies to more than 10,000 children to date, including pencils, paper, solar lights and solar radios, books, crayons, notebooks and more. However, SDG … At the same time, ensuring universal access to electricity is fundamental to provide a basic standard of living. According to UNICEF 2016 statistics, among youth 15-24 yrs in Sierra Leone, from 2009-2014, the literacy rate for males is 73% and that of girls is 56%. The trees will help to reduce landslides and rock slides that have resulted in the loss of life. 8 AFRICA 2030 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS THREE-YEAR REALITY CHECK. Education is the glue that holds our society together.   In Africa climate change is hindering progress towards sustainable development by contributing to reduced rainfall, hotter temperatures, flooding and the spread of … This discussion is applied in this study to the rural water sector in Africa, which is a key sector of development. We are helping empower girls and young women by supporting the education and development of girls.

Kenya: Secure Critical Infrastructure for Sustainable Development (Capital FM) South Africa: Water and Sanitation On Western Cape Dam Levels (Govt of … Targeted training is provided to ensure that the girls have the life skills and mindset needed for success and continual progress.

United Nations Development Programme © Vocational and business opportunities ensure progress towards self-sufficiency. Solar Powered technology is an effective intervention that will provide renewable energy and technology to kids and youths as they study. This project and your support will provide the ongoing funds needed to purchase seedlings, cover the cost of staffing and other tree-planting expenses.One of the Sustainable Development goals -Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries- Develop Africa has taken an active role in reversing deforestation by planting 100 seedlings in fall of 2017 and another 100 seedlings spring of 2018 in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Develop Africa was birthed out of the vision that human resource development is the key to improving nation-building capacity in Africa. Early marriage hinders girls from pursuing an education and gaining independence. For the United Nations, Africa has always been a priority area, as illustrated by the reference to Africa's sustainable development as a cross-cutting issue in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation which emerged from the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002. For the people-centered goals, progress continues to be outstripped by high population growth. The key findings, policy recommendations and emerging issues from the report are summarized below. Education provides guidance towards success as well as weapons against poverty. Our goal is to provide children with a full education, vocational opportunities and aid in starting or growing businesses. Through training, scholarship, investment, and partnerships Develop Africa is helping to develop Africa’s people through the promotion of transformational education, resource development, investment training and strategic empowerment.

Develop Africa also works with multiple schools, including the all-girl FAWE school to provide ongoing computer training for children and young adults.Develop Africa is working toward reaching the SDG goals by 2030- “By 2030, ensure that all men and women, in particular, the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology and financial services, including microfinance”- We are working on opening doors to equal educational opportunities for children who live in poverty and also to give girls an equal opportunity at getting an education. The 13th Sustainable Development Goal is to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. Africa Sustainable Livestock 2050.